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Australian RR Forums » Spirit Series » MULSANNE S 92 AIRBAG WARNING LIGHT « Previous Next »

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Pedro Gomes
Experienced User
Username: portamno

Post Number: 26
Registered: 2-2018
Posted on Tuesday, 12 June, 2018 - 22:19:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Dear All,

With YOUR HELP, may Mulsanne S 92 is now in a wonderful running condition. The stiff supension problem, the cold start issues, the idling, all of those have been sorted out! One last problem remains:

The mechanic stripped the steering wheel, and took out the air bag, in order to adjust the steering...I am "somewhat" of a "perfectionist" on such details, I want the steering wheel to point EXACTLY the right way when the car is being driven straight...He then reinstalled everything, according to the manual. But NOW the warning light for the airbag is lit all the time, and I get a warning "beep" every few minutes...

This is just about the last issue with car, aside from a "sticky" A/C button, whhich is now being cleaned.

Any suggestions on "how to get rid" of that air bag warning light?

I dont want to go to Bentley Portugal, as they are 100% incompetent on 90's cars, and I have spent "fortunes" there, with ngative results....
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michael vass
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Username: mikebentleyturbo2

Post Number: 465
Registered: 7-2015
Posted on Wednesday, 13 June, 2018 - 00:51:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Pedro
You may do better posting in the spirit area, my understanding is post spirit is for the Arnage onwards OK
Good luck getting it sorted ,my mate has the same problem on his so let us know how to fix it OK
Cheers Mike
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Omar M. Shams
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Username: omar

Post Number: 1550
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Posted on Wednesday, 13 June, 2018 - 02:05:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I have the same problem on 3 of my Bentleys and I still dont know how to fix it either
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Jim Walters
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Post Number: 172
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Posted on Wednesday, 13 June, 2018 - 03:02:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

So Pedro, what was the result of interrogating the ECU as I suggested in your other thread? What did you do to repair the starting fault?
Please get in the habit of posting the solution to problems you have asked about, it may help other enthusiasts that are looking for answers in the future.

SRH8505 SRC18015 SRE22493 NAC-05370
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Pedro Gomes
Experienced User
Username: portamno

Post Number: 27
Registered: 2-2018
Posted on Wednesday, 13 June, 2018 - 21:23:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Dear Jim:

Thank you for your reply. You are of course completely correct. Thank you for your suggestion. As far as the starting problems, there were 2 problems:

1- The connection cable to the cold start injectorwas half corroded, so not enough energy was passing thru....

2- The injector itself was quite dirty, due to the fact that the car had not run in almost 4 years....I bought a new unit replaced the cable, and problem got fixed.

Warm regards

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Pedro Gomes
Experienced User
Username: portamno

Post Number: 28
Registered: 2-2018
Posted on Wednesday, 13 June, 2018 - 21:34:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Deat Michael:

Thank you for your suggestion. From now on I will post on on the Spirit area...

Moderator input - I moved your existing threads to the Spirit section so they will match your future threads.

As far as the airbag warning light, I have searched the net to the point of exaustion....There are some commnents regarding how to turn off the "error" on the warning light, but one needs the diagnostic bentley tool to cancel the "code"...My mechaninc is going to bentley Portugal today (as much as I hate it) to "borrow" the diagnostic tool, and hopefully turn off that irritating light....Will keep you posted....
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Pedro Gomes
Experienced User
Username: portamno

Post Number: 29
Registered: 2-2018
Posted on Wednesday, 13 June, 2018 - 21:36:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Dear Omar,

As you may have read on the another post, my mechanic is going to Bentley Portugal today, to "borrow" a diagnostic tool that apparently will cancel the airbag light. There are several comments on the net regarding how to do this...Will keep you posted....

Warm regards

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Omar M. Shams
Grand Master
Username: omar

Post Number: 1552
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Wednesday, 13 June, 2018 - 22:31:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Dear Pedro,
I hope you succeed man....
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michael vass
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Username: mikebentleyturbo2

Post Number: 470
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Posted on Thursday, 14 June, 2018 - 06:49:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Omar
I have just found some airbag info for Pedro , I'm sure you know it but it may help you here OK
Good luck
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richard george yeaman
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Posted on Thursday, 14 June, 2018 - 08:23:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Great find Michael, lots of info.

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Jim Walters
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Username: jim_walters

Post Number: 173
Registered: 1-2014
Posted on Friday, 15 June, 2018 - 02:48:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Pedro, have you tried to reset the Airbag warning light by using the instructions in the link provided by Michael? A Bentley diagnostic tool is not required to do this according to the service manual.

SRH8505 SRC18015 SRE22493 NAC-05370
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Omar M. Shams
Grand Master
Username: omar

Post Number: 1554
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Friday, 15 June, 2018 - 03:39:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Dear Michael,
what a fantastic find. How did you stumble across this one? It needs lots of paying attention and concentration.
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Jim Walters
Prolific User
Username: jim_walters

Post Number: 174
Registered: 1-2014
Posted on Friday, 15 June, 2018 - 04:30:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I posted that link and the other two that go along with it for the post 30K VIN cars three weeks ago to the other thread Pedro started. They have been posted many times in the past by both myself and others. Anyone with a post 30K car should read through these until they fully understand the information contained. The most important information in these are the instructions for interrogating the engine management and airbag ECU's. Understanding what one can do to self diagnose a fault in the post 30K cars can save hours of trial and error and guesswork in trying to locate a faulty component.
Once more:

SRH8505 SRC18015 SRE22493 NAC-05370

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