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Australian RR Forums » General Discussion » Threads to 2015 » A dressing down for any countries with barbed wire fences? « Previous Next »

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John Dare
Unregistered guest
Posted From:
Posted on Tuesday, 27 January, 2004 - 18:01:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

A European Bentley owner who knows everything, has had the Hide to tell me that the BMW built R-R, and the Bentley by VW,are using German leather,Aston-Martin are using Scottish, while Jaguar are using Italian, for their respective interiors. Is this not a lot of Bull?
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 176
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Tuesday, 27 January, 2004 - 21:05:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi John,

It is my understanding an Australian Company called Howe Leather is supplying leather to a majority of the car manufacturers - so much so the US Government took tariff action against them a year or so ago.
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 180
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Wednesday, 28 January, 2004 - 10:24:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

More information on Howe Leather may be found on the link below:


Information on the US Govt action through the WTO can be found on the following link as well:


More recent information including an ironic twist is on the link below:


Very Interesting!
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Norman Geeson
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Posted on Tuesday, 03 February, 2004 - 06:23:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Your introductory message on this thread has left me a little confused. You seem to be surprised if not dis-believing at the geographical sources for leather that you have quoted. May I ask why you find it surprising, or have I misunderstood?



Norman Geeson
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John Dare
Unregistered guest
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Posted on Tuesday, 03 February, 2004 - 07:14:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Dear Norman.. OK - Im "nicked" and so I now publicly confess that my post was "tongue in cheek" as they say, however the "joke" (intended) is on ME, as no-one saw the "message". I apologize to posters who responded in good faith and promise not to do it again. Sometimes the forum can become a little intense and overheated and a light hearted diversion can sometimes serve to defuse. I suppose I had hide to be so bold?.
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 186
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Tuesday, 03 February, 2004 - 16:09:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi John,

No offence taken - I saw the puns and appreciated the humour however I also saw the downside relevance to participants given the current situation with Connolly Leather particularly their long-standing claim that they used hides from countries which did not have barbed wire in their quest for perfection.

I must admit I also had a parochial interest in fostering greater awareness of an Australian Company that got a pretty raw deal considering the trade barriers and restrictive measures taken by other countries. A case of the pot calling the kettle black methinks!!!
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John Dare
Unregistered guest
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Posted on Tuesday, 03 February, 2004 - 16:36:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hello David, and glad I am that your saw the humour and no offence etc. On the serious side and your reference to Howe leather etc., yes -point taken . There is no such thing as "Free" trade, only "FREEer" trade and every trade agreement ever signed, eventually results in a gross imbalance. I dont think I need to elaborate, nor should I, lest we upset our friends!.
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William H. Trovinger II
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Username: bill_trovinger

Post Number: 72
Registered: 8-2003
Posted on Wednesday, 04 February, 2004 - 02:26:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


You will not "upset" me, at least. I believe in complete free trade in all directions. Limits should only be used when other guy does it to you first.
