Information needed on a 1937 25/30 Log Out | Topics | Search
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Victor Milke (
Posted on Friday, 28 December, 2001 - 08:45:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


I live in Mexico and I recently aquired a 1937 Rolls Royce 25/30 (GWN11), Thrupp & Maberly Sports Saloon. It is my first Rolls Royce (out of 12 old cars, but Rolls Royces are really not common here) and I am delighted with it. It is green, two tone. Dark fenders, and top of the hood, and light body, with wire wheels.

I've had the car for two weeks now and I have been working a little on it to check into everything. Right now, only the clock and temperature gage is not working. I am gladly surprised how it drives. So smooth yet powerful, and it almost feels like it has power steering (particularly compared to a Phantom I Springfield which I was about to buy).

I'd love to get more info on it, so I need to find out how to ask or where for it's card, and to get an owner's manual, besides any mechanical publications on the car.

Though it may appear a dumb thing, I haven't been able to find out how to check the oil level... and I find interesting that high beam is only a reflector moving inside just the left hand side Lucas light. Still lot's of leaning required.

Thanks in advance.

Victor Milke
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Jim Bettison (
Posted on Friday, 28 December, 2001 - 18:00:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


You will get what you're seeking through one of the Rolls-Royce Owners Clubs. There is one in the USA; I don't know how to access it, but I suggest a web search. (I assume that you know that you contacted the Australian Club with your initial enquiry.

I have joined the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts Club, in Great Britain. You will find them at:


Enter the Visitors Page and I am certain that you will be led to what you are seeking.
We have a 1932 20/25, which is of course an antecedent of your car. RREC will be able to supply you with technical material, including owners' manual information (if not a "new" manual) and a wealth of technical information, mostly derived from RR material but also developed within the Club. You should also be able to get a set of build cards (xerox copies) which tells the build standard and fittings, and some info on owners.

As you might expect, it costs, and you're looking at about UK Pounds60 per year (or the new Euro equivalent, plus a joining fee. Personally, it has been well worth it, for both our 20/25 and MkVI Bentley.

Re your head lights; that's a standard arrangement. At the same time as one beam was swung to the road edge, the other lamp was extinguished. You will need to find out how to meet your present licensing, etc, requirements - bu be sure, soeone has done it before!

Oils level; I think it's the same as the 20/25. Below the oil filler, on the side of the crankcase, there may be a small half-clock face, with a blackened pointer and various letters (O, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, F) cast on it. The indicator pointer shows oil level; if the same as the 20/25, it is recommended to fill only to 3/4.

All this and much, much more (both in quantity and accuracy) is yours through the RREC!

Best of luck and enjoyment!

Jim B.