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Australian RR Forums » Silver Shadow Series » Threads to 2015 » Non-Functioning Automatic Air Conditioning/Heat « Previous Next »

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Brian Vogel
Prolific User
Username: guyslp

Post Number: 232
Registered: 6-2009
Posted on Wednesday, 06 February, 2013 - 09:46:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hello All,

I now have another "weirdness" that's shown up during the revival of SRH33576 and this one might have a simple solution.

The Low/Auto/High settings on the climate control do not seem to work regardless of what the settings are on the temperature wheels, but the Defrost setting does. I have full blast fans and very warm air on Defrost but nothing on the other settings. I have not yet checked fuses, but would have to believe that the system operates as a whole on fuse number 3.

I know that the system also doesn't activate the fans for heat until some sensor tells it that hot water exists to create the heat, but it wouldn't seem to be that since the Defrost setting is blowing out very warm air.

This is certainly not a crisis level issue (at least not now), but any suggestions about what to check would be appreciated.

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Paul Yorke
Grand Master
Username: paul_yorke

Post Number: 957
Registered: 6-2006
Posted on Wednesday, 06 February, 2013 - 17:16:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

hi Brian ., almost certainly. coolant temp. switch .

it is designed to hold the fans on stop until water temp reaches 44 degrees so you don't get cold air when you want hot .

Of course if you need to demist it will allow you to do that .

It is on the Thermostat housing. Bypass it. especially if you live somewhere hot .

there are other things. but this is most likely .
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Jeff Young
Prolific User
Username: jeyjey

Post Number: 108
Registered: 10-2010
Posted on Wednesday, 06 February, 2013 - 22:49:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Brian,

I have the same issue. The other thing on my list to check is the lower quantity flap microswitch (which is mounted under the steering column). It will also disable the fan speed controller module.

My notes (which I haven't yet followed) also indicate that the coolant temp switch should be disconnected to test (ie: it opens when hot rather than closes), but I may have that backwards. And, finally, I think there are two temp switches on the thermostat housing; the one under discussion is the lower one.

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Brian Vogel
Prolific User
Username: guyslp

Post Number: 233
Registered: 6-2009
Posted on Thursday, 07 February, 2013 - 00:27:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Paul & Jeff,

Thanks to you both. This will give me an excellent starting point when that project "bubbles to the top" of the list.
