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Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1298 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Saturday, 22 September, 2007 - 05:30: |    |
There have been many enquiries on this matter. Large amounts of data and many service manuals have recently been deleted and are not being augmented in the old system. Notably, the entire SSII suite is still not issued, for example. As soon as a new web location has been set up for the Technical information, it will be posted without delay. We are hoping to add all vehicle build sheets to the features as soon as possible. |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 929 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Saturday, 22 September, 2007 - 10:57: |    |
Richard I also am getting querilous carping from owners and fixers about technical material. Only last night we met with a web person who will guide us through the procedures and set up a site where the mass of material we have accumulated can be placed. For those that just came in the WIKI apparently is beyond the capabilities of Richard and myself and as readers will appreciate the enormous amount of work required to prepare the material for the web is not something we are prepared to risk being lost to the ether or consigned to oblivion - whatever happens to it! It is not practical to set up yet another web site within the Club structure so we are constructing one outside which will be readily available to all. Our sole object as most of you would know is to preserve the cars which is difficult to do if you don't know what you are doing. Since probably the majority of cars are NOT in Club members' hands the information to preserve the cars has to, in our opinion be available to all, corner mechanic, owner, museum curator, whoever. Bear with us. When we get the site up it will be hopefully linked to all known RR sites and we can all get on with the main object of the exercise! |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 939 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 02 December, 2007 - 13:17: |    |
Well I said most of this elsewhere but 'what the heck'. The dissemination of information these days appears to be almost totally reliant on the internet which is a worry. If Luther or some such evil incarnation decided to shut the thing down (we are assured that that is impossible)the world outside of a small colony of igloos to one side of the North Pole would cease to function! During the recent negotiations to set up the Technical Library it was reported that during interview the Administrator of this very site expressed some suprise that people had noticed that the site was there, which must have left him a bit short in the enthusiasm quota to get on and keep the thing running. But he did and does! I waste far too much time behind a keyboard but it does give me access to a whole range of people who would never cross my path otherwise. It is hard to convince the older set (incl me!) that it is all worthwhile. Well with thoughts of driving horses to water etc, we press on hopefully widening our audience. All this to confirm that we are loading the Technical Library. Obviously anything technical which would be of use to an owner repairer etc will be hunted down and installed hopefully so that it can be found by a frantic reader desperate to find out where the fire extinguisher is as his car flames away on the side of the road! There is a limit to how much of this info can be digested even in a dedicated site. The Foundation at the Hunt HOuse has millions of documents from the old factory which one wonders will ever see the light of day. Just to contemplate the development papers and drawings I find personally mind boggling. Then there are the policy papers probably lodged at Board level that would give a fascinating insight into the thought processes of the people involved. But all this is more for the automotive historian than the struggler trying to stop his Shadow bleeding to death. Which leads to Tee One Topics. These notes were originally to record people's experiences during our 'technical get togethers' and since those were few and far between, went on to record my mechanical meanderings. Separately, have been the sharing that has gone on in these very columns. There is the occasional bit of nonsense, a bit of agro when opinions differ but most of the stuff is valuable for getting opinions and weighing up others' experience against your own and the content of the hallowed tomes which we are loading onto the site. This category of information has historically been shunned on the grounds of liablity but most have come to realise that we are responsible for our own actions with our cars. If someone tells us that coating the upholstery in backstrap molasses is the best thing ever for the leather, no reasonable critic is going to accept that advice blindly. In other words advice you get here or indeed from anywhere is certainly not 'gospel' and is to be weighed up against whatever facts you can find. The final choice of action is yours. Of course the outcome would be of interest to us all even if it is an admission that you got an undesired result! So as time permits our intrepid little group will find very worthwhile tips and clues and probably insert them through other references where they are of relevance. They will be clearly marked so that we don't have quotes from 'factory sources' when in fact it is something originally found on an old garage wall in Bulgoback! |