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NIgel A Ralph
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Friday, 24 April, 2009 - 10:09 pm: |    |
Hi all I took my '74 Shadow for a 1000km drive from Whitsundays to Sunshine Coast then back again (another 1000km)and I seem to have acquired a number of new squeaks and rattles. I really don't expect to get the old girl back to original condition but does anyone know the general obvious squeaks and rattles and how to eliminate them? I have searched and searched but am still at a loss. Also I managed to get around three miles per litre (though I do admit to cruising a little over the 100kph mark. 1000 km in 11 hours with a few breaks for fuel and a stretch of the legs). Is this consumption fairly normal? Has anyone tried any of the modifications such as the Hiclone? which is supposed to improve consumption 20%. The trip was the first extended one I've done in the old girl and it was OH ...SOOOOO ... COMFORTABLE. She also used 1 1/2 Litres of oil each way. Does this sound reasonable?
(Message approved by david_gore) |
Jan Forrest
Frequent User Username: got_one
Post Number: 64 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Saturday, 25 April, 2009 - 10:33 pm: |    |
Squeaks and rattles can usually be tracked down to worn or missing road spring or other mountings. As the spring mountings are 'merely' made from treated canvas and most others from rubber it is not surprising that they may be in need of replacing after 30+ years. It would be of more help if you could indicate where the noises seem to be coming from - front, rear, engine, gearbox, etc. Your fuel consumption is very similar to what I get from The Old Girl (a 1976 Silver Shadow) - approx. 14 miles per (Imperial - 4.54 litres) gallon - and is normal for these cars. I've never heard of this "Hiclone" fuel saving device (or is it an additive?) but I'd say that 20% is almost impossible to achieve by any such after-market 'fuel saver'. If it actually did work then all cars would be fitted with it straight from the factory! If you're bothered by fuel costs then a conversion to LPG would be better in the long run. Although the conversion is not cheap and your consumption will increase (The Old Girl does 11mpg on it) in the long run you will save 'a pretty penny'. Unfortunately the oil consumption is way over the top. I normally expect to top up by 1 litre or less between oil changes at 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometres). As the fuel consumption is fine and you don't mention excessive smoke from the exhaust I would suspect a leak from somewhere rather than the oil passing the oil control rings and entering the combustion chambers. The rocker covers are a 'prime suspect' as the cork gaskets shrivel with age and just retightening the retaining bolts just crushes them making the problem even worse. As an aside: oil leaking from the rear of Bank A rocker cover tends to drip onto the starter motor and its solenoid eventually causing starting problems. "it (the trip) was OH ...SOOOOO ... COMFORTABLE." Of course it was - that's why we love these cars so much: Even after 30-40 years they still waft you effortlessly along the highways and byeways of the world Ps. You have remembered to pump some grease into the steering gear, haven't you? Finally: Welcome to the forum. Stick around ... they're (mostly) a friendly bunch on here and are always ready to help a fellow Rolls Royce owner with advice or encouragement  |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 1108 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 26 April, 2009 - 12:05 am: |    |
Nigel/ From a resident irrascible old fart obliquely refrred to by Jan, A few things with a 'new' car to minimise the squeaks. Swab the seat and door leather with the dressing of your choice. I use R M Williams but these pages can fill very quickly as to which is best, smells the best etc etc. Be sure to get the car hot in the sun then use your hand and slap it on liberally on all the leather - don't forget the edging on the carpets and behind the arm rests! Get some right to the back of the seats (pull them out) and where the front seat back covers overlap the leather! Dry leather in these ares can squeek like a mischief of mice. Get yourself one of those solid lube sticks for doing the door locks and jams don't forget the boot lid and bonnet! There are a couple of straps stopping the rear axles from falling out. These should have a good finger of grease wiped around them. Wipe all the rubber seals around the door with Armorall or some such and drop the spare tyre, clean it all out tart up the tyre and make sure it is firmly held and not free to slide about! Then you can really listen to the noises! If your rocker covers are not leaking - be careful NOT to overtighten-them they do crack, cork gaskets are available in the aftermarket spares, tighten up the sump bolts and make sure there is not too much oil leaking out the front timing cover. Then have a look at the weep holes - these can actually drip, consider a plug! Otherwise unless the rings are really cactus the most likely user of oil are the valve stems. If the engine still enjoys those string and tallow seals replace them. Its all in Topics! Make sure the damper on the left side of the sub frame opposite and complimenting the steering box is full of transmission oil. Well that's a start! |
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1676 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 26 April, 2009 - 12:16 am: |    |
Bill, that reminds me. When new, and even a decade later, Silver Shadows with the optional leather headlining (as on SBH13247, and even on SCBZSOTO0HCH20037, both in our posession), creaked like a Transylvanian Morgue when driven even gently. The common cure was and probably still is RM's special stuff for dark fittings, or common Hide Food for lighter leather colours. Many other experiments worked too: talcum powder and even toilet paper jammed between the joints if that was your bent. Hmnnn. |
Nigel A Ralph
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Monday, 27 April, 2009 - 08:38 pm: |    |
Many thanks for your comments gentlemen. I shall gradually go about doing as you suggest. The leather treatment I shall definitely do and there is a little dry rubbing sound from the dash which is obviously worn felts or something similar (I had a good look when I redid the woodwork -many thanks to a great article on this webpage- and I thought they were 'just' fine but which are obviously not. The main concern is the squeek type sound which comes from the suspension which I shall play around with. As to the oil leaks, of course there is a bit flowing from the rocker covers and I have some new valve stem seals which will go in when the opportunity arises (along with the replacement rocker cover gaskets) but there are no leaks from the weep holes though the sump is very questionable. I actually thought that the oil coating the underneath of the car was Crewe's rust prevention measure. Perhaps a new sump gasket may also be in order. Jan, I pump grease into wherever there is a grease nipple. When you mention the steering gear I take it to be the nipples relating to same. Please advise if there is anything else.
(Message approved by david_gore) |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 881 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, 01 May, 2009 - 09:34 am: |    |
Hi Nigel, My apologies for the delay in approving your post - have been away all week with no internet access. How about registering on the forum so you can post instantaneously? Kind regards David |
Paul Yorke
Grand Master Username: paul_yorke
Post Number: 313 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Friday, 01 May, 2009 - 05:03 pm: |    |
Nigel - the oil prevention theory is a good one to use. Especially after you've parked on your friends new block paving. You may need to add that most stately homes have gravel drives for this very reason! As bill mentioned, look at the check straps - these buggers make much more noise than you'd expect ( bolted directly to the floor under the rear passengers.) Also the parking brake cables run through clips and holes which will make noises unless well greased. Make sure there are no stones etc caught inside the rear spring cups. An aerosol spray grease is good to get in there. (Motorcycle Chain lube) |
Nigel A Ralph
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Saturday, 02 May, 2009 - 11:19 am: |    |
Hi David, I did try to register once before under the name of Nigel Ralph and the registration process became stalled somewhere. Subsequently I couldn't use Nigel Ralph as a username and had to add my middle initial A. It is likely that I have made some sort of error in filling out my application so perhaps we could start all over again. I think my error must have occurred in the confirmation process as I believe I'm half registered thus preventing me from using Nigel Ralph when I post a message. My new email is I would appreciate if you could check to see where I have stuffed up and perhaps the problem could be rectified. Regards Nigel Ralph
(Message approved by david_gore) |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 883 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Saturday, 02 May, 2009 - 05:21 pm: |    |
Hi Nigel, Have passed this on to our administrator to see what magic wand can be waved to get you up and running. Kind regards David |
Nigel Ralph
Yet to post message Username: nigel_ralph
Post Number: 1 Registered: 5-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, 11 August, 2009 - 08:37 pm: |    |
Just an update for those interested. All is quiet again! The really annoying rattly squeak with a rotational link related to speed that appeared to come from the drivers side rear area disappeared when I was in a hurry recently and went over a speed bump at well over recommended speed. I still have no idea what caused it but there was an oil deposit on the garage floor under the diff to driver's side rear wheel that evening. This noise had driven my mechanic friend and myself crazy for months as we had been unable to track it down and it appeared to be getting worse. The front sunspension squeek actually came from the front stabilizer bar? for which there are no grease nipples. It took a series of sprays with wd40 into each of the rubber holding points with continual pushing up and pulling down of the car at the same time. I am now back to the ordinary little intermittent squeeks from the dash and the little rattle from the front passenger door which I shall get around to once I retire again. Am planning another trip south again in September so shall be able to confirm your advice re the oil consumption. I have not yet had the valve stem seals replaced and oil is still leaking from the rocker covers so I don't expect much change in consumption. Hopefully next year will see this project completed but in the meantime I enjoy a beautiful (relatively) quiet ride in great comfort. |