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Australian RR Forums » Silver Shadow Series » WANTED - Original worksop manual/wiring diagrams for SS « Previous Next »

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Glen Poolen
Frequent User
Username: wgipps

Post Number: 202
Registered: 03-2018
Posted on Thursday, 24 October, 2019 - 07:50:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi all

This is a bit of a replicated post from one I made a week or so ago on the For Sale and Wanted page.

Ive made some enquiries and have located 1 or 2 companies in Melbourne that can scan the original wiring diagrams to the right size with a very high resolution.

What I do need though is the 4 sheet originals. Ive spoken to 1 guy who is reluctant to send them to me in case of loss or damage.

So - does anyone else trust me enough to send me the 4 original sheets (registered/insured mail) so I can get these documents scanned.

Its going to cost me between $150 about $200 (depending on which shop I go to). One is in the city, 1 is in Richmond. Im happy to do the running around etc but if any of you could spare a few $ to help this endeavour it would be greatly appreciated. In particular those who might use the documents - SS1 RHD cars from serial number 9000 onwards.

At this stage, Im planning that 2 of the original pages (from these scans) will print on an A0 page - so they will be easily and cheaply replicated for future users.

So - can I put this request to you all thanks.
SS1 Wiring looms.pdf (1337.7 k)
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David Hughes
Experienced User
Username: wedcar

Post Number: 98
Registered: 07-2004
Posted on Thursday, 24 October, 2019 - 09:23:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

There are better scans on the Bentley Heritage website, the total workshop manual is almost 1600 pages, takes a while to download, someone may advise a shortcut to simplify the download, however the scans are very good, you then have the sheets you require.
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Glen Poolen
Frequent User
Username: wgipps

Post Number: 203
Registered: 03-2018
Posted on Friday, 25 October, 2019 - 15:24:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thanks David, and thank you to those who PM'd me.

Wow thats a big document. I like how they seperate systems down specifically. And this document has colour diagrams. Is that similar to the RR one or is that Bentley specific?

The actual pages we are talking about here are pages 1449-1457 in that document.

And David you are right. These documents are scanned at a high DPI. I scaled them up to print on an A1 page and they print perfectly. No loss of detail.

So after all that - these are the wiring diagrams for SRH cars from serial 9000 onwards large scale printable wiring diagrams.


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