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Bill Coburn
Prolific User
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 84
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Monday, 08 December, 2003 - 20:51:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Quite a few readers of this site will be aware that I endeavour to send out a monthly 16 page newsheet on technical material relating purely to R-R's and B's. A lot of the material is drawn from experiences and knowledge held and derived from a group of enthusiasts, mostly Club members, initially based in Canberra but who have spread their enthusiasm to most States of the Commonwealth and overseas. Recently one of that group who collected money to defray costs of producing the newsletter, decided that the group was defunct and promptly commenced returning money to 'subscribers". I offer no explanation but assure my readers that I am alive and well and will continue to write in these pages as well as the 'Topics'.
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Robin Hickman
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Username: rhickman

Post Number: 6
Registered: 2-2003
Posted on Tuesday, 09 December, 2003 - 08:46:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

We find great interest in your Tee-One Topics and would like to see these invaluable notes continue.
How can enthusiasts make a payment to contribute to the costs of publishing the 'Topics'?
As I, and I suspect others, have not been refunded my previous payment, should we request a refund in writing from the current custodian of the funds, so that they can be redirected to the 'incurer' of the publication costs?
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Experienced User
Username: petenlinid

Post Number: 9
Registered: 8-2003
Posted on Tuesday, 09 December, 2003 - 20:38:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I have received a refund of $20.00. I am happy to foward it plus any other necessary costs in order that I may be privilaged to continue to receive this most valuable resource. Please provide an address.

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Jon Rothwell
Unregistered guest
Posted From:
Posted on Tuesday, 09 December, 2003 - 21:00:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Haven't heard anything about a refund so I hope my subscription did find its way to you.

If you ever need anyone to print and distribute the "Topics" then please drop me a line. I am set up to print from an emailed file and copy/collate/staple as much as needed, and would be happy to contribute the time and materials needed for this if it would help to ensure the viability of this valuable publication. I can't cover the postage costs but I'm sure that a way can be found to cover that.

If there is anything at all I can do to help please let me know.

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Bill Coburn
Prolific User
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 85
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Wednesday, 10 December, 2003 - 01:10:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thanks to all of you. Prior to the advent of the 'Hon Treasurer' I happily covered the cost of producing and posting the Tee One Topics. The activities of this same gentleman have been almost solely responsible for the recent disassociation of the Club from any aspect of the 'Group'. In fact there is a concerted effort within Club management to have the 'Topics' included in Praeclarvm or the local ACT Branch Capital Letter. Neither I hasten to add is likely to occur. The reason I persevered with the publication was to prove to myself and my critics that owners are in the main genuinely interested in what makes their car tick and even more importantly its publication will encourage people to buy these cars, maintain and/or restore them so that the lot do not finish up on the scrap heap. The most impressionable people are those who having bought one of these cars, are desperate to associate with people who have cars and can advise them on how to care for them by joining the Club. So many have walked away empty handed. In fact one editor of a Club publication responded to a member who asked for more technical material to be included, that he should consult the workshop manuals!

Anyway keep your money if you get it back. The small cost of distributing this paper is nothing compared with the pleasure I get from knowing that people enjoy reading and benefiting from it.
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Bill Coburn
Prolific User
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 86
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Wednesday, 10 December, 2003 - 10:08:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Postscript. For Peter Dixon. I do not appear to have you on my address list and have no way other than using this system to contact you. I should explain that as well as appropriating the collected monies, my nemesis retained the up-to date address list. The one I had was at least 2 issues out of date. I have posted everywhere I can think of to find the 'missed' people but have had limited success. If you let me have your address and the number of the last issue you received, I shall redress the matter. My email is cavacharles@bigpond.com for this purpose. I look forward to hearing from you.
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John Dare
Unregistered guest
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Posted on Friday, 02 January, 2004 - 14:31:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Bill Coburn.. Re "Tee-One" topics, I will be redirecting my recently received $20 "refund" back to you plus another $20 for good measure. I enjoy your publication, since, unlike some car magazines, it contains useful information which I actually like to read.
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John Dare
Unregistered guest
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Posted on Saturday, 03 January, 2004 - 04:18:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Bill Coburn.. Re "Tee-One" topics I have just send a copy of your latest edition to a friend in the U.S.A (74 "Bentley" T) and he has described your publication as SUPERLATIVE. Looks like you have another member who I will assist to sign up!
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Bill Coburn
Prolific User
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 94
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Saturday, 03 January, 2004 - 16:49:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thank you John. With these accolades I am going to become even more of a bore than I actually am. Just send me your friend's address and I'll get him on the list. And thank you for the money I shall put it in my debauching fund!