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Stephe Boddice
Frequent User
Username: stephe_boddice

Post Number: 63
Registered: 2-2005
Posted on Sunday, 13 July, 2008 - 02:48:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

The Phantom III Technical Society - forthcoming changes

Following the untimely death of Mark Tuttle it has been necessary for the Society to undertake a radical reorganisation of its management and operational activities. Mark (read the Society's HQ) was based in Los Angeles, California, where he managed everything from membership lists, through editing the Society's journal Phantoms, to holding the inventory for spare parts.

The Phantom III Technical Society is dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of the Phantom III and pre-war Wraith models. To ensure the future of the Society the management is being re-organised, which involves shipping all records, reference documents and stores inventory to new locations throughout the USA. Despite the North American locations of the physical property, the Society membership is worldwide, supporting activities wherever these cars are used.

Existing members can rest assured that the PIIITS will continue in the same vein as when Mark held the reins.

Phantom III and Wraith owners who are not yet members are invited, indeed encouraged, to join the Society. Annual membership fees are a lowly $22(US), £14 (Sterling), which provide a worldwide network of support plus a twice yearly magazine covering technical and historical information on these marques.

The new management structure is as follows: -

Gary Pollard (NC, USA)

Wally Donoghue (GA, USA)

Society Historian
Steve Stuckey (ACT, Australia)

Phantoms Editor
Stephe Boddice (Worcs, UK)

Membership Enquiries
Australia & New Zealand - Steve Stuckey -
UK & Europe - Stephe Boddice -
USA and rest of world - Gary Pollard -

As a final note I would invite members to submit articles for inclusion in future issues of Phantoms. Those who had work in progress with Mark for the October 2008 issue are requested to resubmit the information to the new editor. Time, distance, encrypted computers and starting from scratch are all making the next issue an interesting exercise.