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Jason Pfeiffer
Experienced User
Username: jpsnaggs

Post Number: 20
Registered: 7-2006
Posted on Saturday, 26 August, 2006 - 13:16:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

So, my car is running pretty well, knock on wood. I took it in to the mechanic today to iron out some issues, and to touch up a few cosmetics. I am pulling in and notice a 84 Silver Spirit parked outside - with a big pool of something underneath it mind you.

I walked in just as my mechanic was talking to this guy who had just purchased this car. My mechanic had done a buyers check after the fact. Well, this guy had paid $20,000 US for this car, and evidently this car will need at least 10,000 US to get it running properly.

Everything from the gas tank, to all the gas lines, to all the hoses needs to be replaced. THe pool under the car I noticed was actually gas, and not the customary oil... The car appears to have even gone through a wreck or two, and not put back together correctly. The metal around the drivers door was actually coming apart. There was even a gas leak near the muffler, what my mechanic later described as a "molotov cocktail" or a bomb on wheels. What was even worse is it smell awful inside... Like an old 1980's lincoln or something. Just really odd, old and dusty. NO trace of leather smell at all.

Get this, this guy drove it all the way from Phoenix Arizona, to my hometown of Tucson which is about 2 hours. I cant believe he made it alive.

So, it appears this gentleman will have to get the car repaired to some extent. He even mentioned that he intended to get the car releathered for around 1,000us. Well, I followed him out to the car and tried to console him - he was very distraught. I guess he just really wanted a Rolls and didnt know where to get one, and just bought the first one he found on some used car lot in Phoenix. If he had just looked a little longer, I am sure he could have found something pretty nice.

My advice though, always make sure you know who you are buying from, or get a buyers check before buying the car.

(Message edited by jpsnaggs on August 26, 2006)
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bob uk
Unregistered guest
Posted From:
Posted on Wednesday, 30 August, 2006 - 01:02:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Unfortunately there are a few horrible Royces around.

Fortunately the UK being small and the home of RR means that RR are not rare and a determined looker can find 6 or so within a short period to view.

Best way to buy any RR (and other prestige cars) is to look at the owner and ask your self the question can the present owner afford to run this car if he /she can't then be extra careful.

An old friend recently brought a 1986 Merc 560 coupe in black which had one previous owner who has loads of money ( seriously rich) and the car is excellent and very cheap at £1500 with full Merc history no expense spared. It even had 3/4 of a tank of petrol.

The car was in the way and my mate was in the right place at the right time with cash on the hip.

Wish I had got there first.

(Message approved by david_gore)