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Patrick Lockyer.
Grand Master
Username: pat_lockyer

Post Number: 2442
Registered: 09-2004
Posted on Friday, 23 April, 2021 - 21:54:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Plenty of sun so a trip to the sea was in order.

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Larry Kavanagh
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Username: shadow_11

Post Number: 767
Registered: 05-2016
Posted on Saturday, 24 April, 2021 - 08:59:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Nice pic. Did you bring your bucket & spade?
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 3925
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Saturday, 24 April, 2021 - 09:46:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


From the look of the "white caps" on the sea, a good "sou'wester" and woollen pullover would be more appropriate.

Very envious with the availability of plenty of parking so close to the ocean instead of having to walk a kilometre or more after finding a car park!!
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Larry Kavanagh
Frequent User
Username: shadow_11

Post Number: 768
Registered: 05-2016
Posted on Sunday, 25 April, 2021 - 19:11:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

You have a good weather eye David. The abundance of sunshine of late in this region is spirit raising.
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Patrick Lockyer.
Grand Master
Username: pat_lockyer

Post Number: 2443
Registered: 09-2004
Posted on Monday, 26 April, 2021 - 02:56:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

David was A1 for his weather report, it was indeed a keen wind with hot sunshine.
A fish and chip lunch was well received with a pint.
Larry the buckets and spades are a distant memory, the grandchildren are grown up, cripes the years are flying by.
The sun sets are spectacular at the moment.

The solar is doing the job! keeping the cars charged.
BTW the Tesla now reads the speed signs etc and adjusts accordingly no more speeding tickets.

The Shadow is a more comfortable ride than the Tesla S with air, the low profile tyres don't help.
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Larry Kavanagh
Frequent User
Username: shadow_11

Post Number: 769
Registered: 05-2016
Posted on Monday, 26 April, 2021 - 04:14:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I was on a small secluded and scenic beach called Dollar Bay in Co. Wexford with the grandchildren and their buckets & spades this afternoon. Weather was glorious. A great time was had by all and fish & chips were enjoyed on the way home. Needless to say I didn't take the Silver Shadow for fear of contaminating it with salty sea sand and greasy chip fat.
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Patrick Lockyer.
Grand Master
Username: pat_lockyer

Post Number: 2444
Registered: 09-2004
Posted on Monday, 26 April, 2021 - 05:53:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Larry yes the weather (sun) was the best yet with a record for the solar generation.

Sand and a motor vehicle is bad news for the seals. Watch the incoming tide many vehicles get caught out at Burnham on sea etc.

Fish and chips in a car no way, the stale smell lingers, better to sit in a sheltered table outside with a G&T for the wife and a pint for myself. The journeys in style with a RR even more so now as I just don't see any on the road ATM.
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Larry Kavanagh
Frequent User
Username: shadow_11

Post Number: 770
Registered: 05-2016
Posted on Monday, 26 April, 2021 - 07:17:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Unfortunately the pubs and beer gardens are still in lockdown in Ireland but I think restrictions are soon about to be eased. No doubt the weather will disimprove to coincide with the opening of outdoor venues.
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 3926
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Monday, 26 April, 2021 - 08:32:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


We have an 8.5kW solar system installed however we are restricted to 5kW exported power by the NSW Government due to the vast amount of solar power capable of being exported to the grid following the boom in the number of solar installations. In fact, the amount of solar power available in daytime is now greater than the total NSW grid demand.

"Thanks" to the coal and power generation private owners [the Government sold the main power stations to vested interests] who faced the reality of having no daytime demand for base load power and the cost of their expensive payments to acquire what they thought was a oligopoly market, the NSW Government imposed a limit on solar power exports and significantly reduced the price being paid by the state electricity grid for this power to a level where there is no reasonable payback period for new domestic solar power installations. The privatised electricity suppliers to the grid are now floating the imposition of new taxes for the installation and use of home solar systems to protect the huge investment by the major beneficiaries of the privatisation of the previously State-owned base load coal-fired power stations and coal mines setup exclusively for the power stations.

We are completely off-grid thanks to our Tesla PowerWall however we can only utilise a peak maximum of 65% of our capacity due to the export limit. I sized our system to cover future home fast charging of an electric vehicle after installing a second PowerWall battery to utilise our solar generating capacity. I am waiting for the existing NSW Government luxury car tax on electric vehicles to be removed before purchasing our first of eventually 2 electric vehicles. As we have a regular 400km each way commute between our Sydney and country homes, I will be acquiring vehicles hopefully with a range in excess of 800km to allow for range reduction due to car air conditioning load and the inevitable traffic delays.
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Unregistered guest
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Posted on Wednesday, 28 April, 2021 - 04:55:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Same the world over, Government encourage environmentally friendly options and when everyone starts they penalise you for it. LPG was once the new clean fuel, the more people switched to it up went the price. Same with diesel, Government encouraged it then declared everyone that did to be an evil polluter - and up went the price!

(Message approved by david_gore)
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Patrick Ryan
Grand Master
Username: patrick_r

Post Number: 2307
Registered: 04-2016
Posted on Thursday, 06 May, 2021 - 16:32:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I have now had 2 consecutive quarters with my second 6.5kW system.
I now have a total of 42 panels on two stand alone systems, but of course charging directly into the grid or used during the day.

My plan was to use the second system to fully charge a battery during the day, while the first system took care of the workings of the house during the day as well

Depending on your system, and your usage, a single system “may not” have enough output to run your home during the day and full charge a battery for night time use as well.

At present, for the last 2 full readings, we are getting around the $230 mark deposited to our account.

This seems better value than spending big dollars on a huge power wall.
Our system is quite good and reliable where I am and we have not had an outage for a good long while.

It seems the 2 systems are doing a good job for me in my circumstance.

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