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Gordon Norris
Frequent User
Username: crewes_missile

Post Number: 58
Registered: 2-2005
Posted on Friday, 11 March, 2005 - 17:47:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Richard Treacy and others have warned how V8 water pump seals tend to give way catastrophically, dumping the entire cooling system contents on the ground in quick-time. Well today while my Turbo R was idling-down after a run and I went briefly to get the key to it's garage, the solenoid heater tap decided to split its main diaphragm and dump about 2-3litres of coolant on the driveway from it's vent holes, all in absolutely no less than 1-2minutes. Luckily I was there to shut her down before much more escaped, and she didn't hiss or spit at me. There were no drips at all from the front drive around to the back of my property where the garages are, so I know it all happened in those minutes, and of course the low coolant light would have warned had it been leaking earlier. No, it was dumpus coolant catastrophicus....

I thought to myself, what if I'd decided to make a cuppa, or had to answer the phone, or been delayed just a few minutes more for any reason...could have cooked the engine big-time...

So, both the water pump seal and the heater tap sealing diaphragm can fail without prior warning and jettison the coolant in a big way, even when hoses etc all are ok and all looks outwardly normal.

It's another case of Murphy's law, and I only recently ftted an overhaul kit to one of these taps on a friends car, and noted that if the sealing diaphragm ever failed, as opposed to the valve seal, alot of coolant would escape under pressure. Jinxed myself royally...

MORAL: Don't leave these cars idling unnattended!

Also, on the Turbo cars, it's a good case AGAINST a turbo-timer, (which I've never liked anyway...)

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Bill Coburn
Grand Master
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 353
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Friday, 11 March, 2005 - 19:27:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Years and years ago (here I go again) there was a spectacular Shadow conflagration in a private garage that nearly took the house with it. Seems the elderly owner got out and left the motor idling (they are soooo quiet you know)and the area over the back axle got so hot the return low pressure hydraulic hose from the rams finally gave out and the rest followed!!!
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Gordon Norris
Frequent User
Username: crewes_missile

Post Number: 60
Registered: 2-2005
Posted on Friday, 11 March, 2005 - 21:02:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Bill, what we need to design is an all purpose undertray-catch-tank that collects fuel from the perished braided lines, coolant from the failed water pump and heater tap, oil from the various engine weep sites, power steering fluid from the leaky racks, and hydraulic fluid from everywhere...and which then automatically separates and filters the various fluids and puts 'em back in their appropriate orifices...now why didn't RR think of that??

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Bill Coburn
Grand Master
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 354
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Friday, 11 March, 2005 - 21:20:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Actually I think we would have boring cars. I enjoy finding out where the latest haemorrhage is!!!
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Gordon Norris
Frequent User
Username: crewes_missile

Post Number: 61
Registered: 2-2005
Posted on Friday, 11 March, 2005 - 21:39:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

It's also worthwhile re-posting some of the heater tap info which appears in another thread, with credit to Larry Halpert for some of the info, plus the following price info for Australian readers:
The solenoid heater tap RR/B Part no: UR 27683
is actually a Bosch part (no:1-147-412-013) and is identical to that used in some Ferrari's, notably the Testarossa: Ferrari Part No: 61079000.

Picture of tap available here:http://www.usedferraris.net/catalog/images/DSCN3381.gif

Sydney Bentley RRP:A$496.72
Scuderia Ferrari Sydney RRP:A$221
However, a service kit is available from Bentley, but NOT Ferrari! Figure that one out! Price for kit (P/No: CD 6683) A$159.38

If the body, which is made of plastic, is in good condition inside (which it usually is) and the solenoid coil in the end is OK and the windings are not corroded, and the one-way valve(NOT servicable) in the outlet end is OK with a blow and suck test with the mouth(it leaks a little even when new) then the service kit is all you need. However for the less proficient, the difference in price between the complete unit from Ferrari and the kit form Bentley is so little as to make the Ferrari part the way to go.

If anyone knows of other cars that use the same tap, let us know as we may be able to get it even cheaper, as F parts are usually notoriously marked-up.


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Larry Halpert
Prolific User
Username: larry_halpert

Post Number: 48
Registered: 9-2003
Posted on Sunday, 13 March, 2005 - 09:37:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Well, I just today got my problem with losing heat at speed by installing the heater valve service kit. The whole heater valve was new, so this was supplied by Rolls to cover the warranty.

Now that I had the box in my hand, I was able to look up the Bosch part number of the kit which is 1 147 213 007.

It turns out that our heater valve DESIGN was used in many years of Mercedes & BMW cars, but hose outlets were all different, (the only exact match was Ferrari), and some have different electrical connections.

ALL of them use the same internal electromagnet/valve. SO, the kit is identical. It is actually called the "Mono Valve Repair Kit"

Best price I found so far is $33.09 US which is about $41.77 AUD. Over $100 AUD difference. In the US, the kit is about $75 - a $40 US difference.

Here is one place where I found it:


Here is a pic:

Photo of Heater Valve Service Kit

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Gordon Norris
Frequent User
Username: crewes_missile

Post Number: 65
Registered: 2-2005
Posted on Sunday, 13 March, 2005 - 10:15:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thanks once again Larry. Thats the kit alright..I just paid A$160 from Bentley for one..boo hoo!! Ah well, next time I'll save.

In mine, all the washers were shot, but there was also an extraneous piece of sharp plastic swarf attached to the inside of the valve body that must have been there since manufacture, would have prevented the valve from seating properly, and would have accelerated the rubber deterioration. So, along with your experience with a faulty new valve, they are obviously not the best made bit of kit!