Window lift motor for late SZ cars. R... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Australian RR Forums » General Discussion » Window lift motor for late SZ cars. Repair service.... « Previous Next »

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David Towers
Frequent User
Username: xtriple

Post Number: 53
Registered: 6-2010
Posted on Wednesday, 04 May, 2016 - 05:08:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

May not be a lot of use to you chaps in the Antipodes but there is a chap down here in darkest Cornwall who will repair these units, replace the plastic ferrule (the bit that always breaks) with a brass one, new cables and grease job for £90 plus postage.
He will also supply these brass ferrules for an awful lot less than FS want (they want £48 per one and they are tiny!) I think a price is negotiable but less than a tenner each, which could be of some use to you guys out there.
Anyone wants contact details ask away.

No, no commission, no involvement just impressed with the chap as it's a secondary job to making coffee machines which is what they do the majority of the time.

Because I'm fairly local, he drove up from Launceston this morning, collected my broken unit, went back, repaired it and then has just delivered it back to me!

Must be mad! Said he fancied a drive :-)
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Robert Noel Reddington
Grand Master
Username: bob_uk

Post Number: 999
Registered: 5-2015
Posted on Thursday, 05 May, 2016 - 08:24:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

These bits can made by hand.

But before you, do try the motor first because this bit is the brake and may not be necessary as mine were.

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