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Mark Taxis
Frequent User
Username: mark_taxis

Post Number: 64
Registered: 4-2007
Posted on Sunday, 14 October, 2012 - 09:23:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

A while back I was fined for not displaying the correct Queensland number plate. I had the old UK plate still in place.
When talking to the traffic police I find out that possession of the plate is the offence. So anyone who owns a foreign or homemade plate is in breach of the law. Ownership is the crime.
So if you have anything other than Qld plate on your vehicle or in your shed you can be fined $300.
This is worth remembering as it seems the public service is in revenue gathering mode.
Below is an extract of the law

49.(1) A person who contravenes this regulation commits an offence against this regulation.

(2) A person must not falsely represent himself or herself to be an authorised officer, or an employee, agent or delegate of the chief executive.

(3) A person must not without lawful authority or excuse--
(a) make, sell or have in the person's possession anything that purports to be, but is not, a certificate, registration label, number plate or permit; or

(b) alter or deface a certificate, registration label, number plate or permit; or

(c) use, or permit to be used, on a road, a vehicle if--
(i) the certificate, registration label, number plate or permit for the vehicle has been unlawfully altered; or

(ii) the certificate, registration label, number plate or permit for the vehicle has been defaced; or

(iii) any writing, mark, or colour on the certificate, registration label, number plate or permit for the vehicle is not clearly legible; or

(iv) the registration label, number plate or permit was issued to another vehicle; or

(v) the registration label or number plate has been recorded in a register of vehicles as having been cancelled, lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged; or

(vi) a registration label, number plate or permit is not attached to the vehicle in accordance with this regulation; or

(vii) the registration label for the vehicle has expired and has not been removed in accordance with section 22(4).
(4) For the purposes of this section, a certificate, registration label, number plate or permit refers to a certificate, registration label, number plate or permit issued by the chief executive or under the law of another State, a Territory, the Commonwealth or a foreign country.

(5) A person must not make a false or misleading statement in a document given under this regulation.
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Unregistered guest
Posted From:
Posted on Sunday, 09 June, 2013 - 10:14:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Just seen this post

I think what your OZ laws are saying is that if use a non QLD plate with intention to mislead anyone such as a government offical then your are guilty of an offence.

If you take the plate off and nail it to the shed wall as most people do then because you are not attempting to mislead anyone then the plate become mearly a plate with numbers on it and no offence has been committed.

In your case because the car was being driven on non QLD plates then those plaates by the presence mean that in the eyes of law you attempting to mislead anybody that those plates are gen QLD plates so the offence has been committed.

We in the uk has similiar regs such as makers indentity must be on the plate and fonts are prescribed

(Message approved by david_gore)