Author |
Message |
Nelson (
| Posted on Friday, 06 December, 2002 - 16:11: |    |
I have a 1957 Bentley and would like to know were to start to identify as much I can about it the vin # is B332DB, four door 6 cilinder can anyone help this biginner? Thanks,gracias e obrigado Nelson Delaware USA |
Bill Vatter (
| Posted on Friday, 06 December, 2002 - 23:22: |    |
RROC(A) members, please excuse my promoting another club on your website, but this is really a generic comment for all residents of the planet: Join your local RR club. For Nelson, you should join the RROC (US) and get a copy of the chassis card from club HQ. There is also considerable additional information at HQ, which can be researched. However, the RREC in the UK is the primary sourch of archive information on these cars. Membership there can open a tremendous source of car history for you. |
Bill Coburn (
| Posted on Saturday, 07 December, 2002 - 14:08: |    |
What an ironic co-incidence. In another thread David Gore is making entreaties to other Clubs to be a little more sharing with their information and here we have an apparent 'babe-in-the-woods' asking for help. I gather there has been some debate in the Australian Club as to whether this forum should be closed to non- members, so far resisted because among other reasons the current system allows anyone to contribute. Judging by the fire and brimstone warnings emitted by our web-master there are a few who abuse this but by far the majority hop in and help. I have not as yet seen the British or American forums and I have no doubt they are of great value but a recent cursory excursion into the American site while very impressive left me with absolutely no information whatsoever. In summary I am proud of this site and believe it practices the very ideals of the movement and is a credit to our Club. |
Bill Vatter (
| Posted on Sunday, 08 December, 2002 - 02:41: |    |
To Bill Coburn: I'm not trying to be stand-offish to non-club members in any way. I hope Nelson sees my post as an invitation and not a slap. I infer from Nelson's post that he wants information for his specific car, about which I know nothing, but I do know how to start looking. I therefore responded to Nelson's request with two items: 1. New owners desiring to learn more about their car, either specifically or generically, are best advised to join the club, whatever club(s) they perceive will best meet their needs. I am sure few could argue with this recommendation. 2. Information regarding specific cars is archived by the clubs and is available to members for a small administrative fee to cover expenses. The US public forum may be accessed here: Bill, my email is Please contact me. |
Bill Coburn (
| Posted on Sunday, 08 December, 2002 - 14:23: |    |
To the avid reader. Separately I have emailed Bill assuring him I was not having a swipe at him or the overseas Clubs. I simply felt a little jingoistic and it seemed a good time to give Chris a small fillip of encouragement. We are indeed so forunate to have the correspondents that we do and that they are prepared to share their knowledge. Although by default I seem to have been aligned with the Shadow mob could I suggest to the Mk VI Registrar that he gather up some of the more esoteric threads that have been on these pages and present them as papers on the Register 'Library'. That would make them more accessable and hopefully ensure that they are not lost. |
Bill Coburn (
| Posted on Sunday, 08 December, 2002 - 20:29: |    |
To Bill Vatter Seems I can't win.I have tried twice to email you and they have been bounced. |
Bill Vatter (
| Posted on Monday, 09 December, 2002 - 04:58: |    |
Bill, sorry my poor typing |
Nelson (
| Posted on Tuesday, 10 December, 2002 - 03:46: |    |
Very Very Very sorry Mr Coburn Next time I will learn how to knock before enter!! I guess I will have to get used to do business in a more relaxed way (lol) I am shure that not all members see clearly if there is one "babe-in-the woods" or not. Thak you Bill Watter for you time and goodwill The site was very helpfull.Some people knows how to put a smile in to words. Nelson My e mails was returned here it is Ben |
Nelson (
| Posted on Tuesday, 10 December, 2002 - 03:52: |    |
It is Ben tleyB332 |
Bill Coburn (
| Posted on Tuesday, 10 December, 2002 - 10:06: |    |
Nelson Absolutely no apology needed. Welcome to the movement where you will find many many very helpful people. Good luck with your project. |
| Posted on Thursday, 13 February, 2003 - 08:19: |    |
good to have an open forum rrec in uk is closed - what are they protecting? strange request for min 20 words |