Bob uk Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Monday, 18 August, 2014 - 11:38: |    |
IMO Best paint stripper Nitromoors which isn't cheap. I have strip whole cars ( infamous Ford silver Fox and blue mink ) of the 1969 to 1971. The paint crazed in 4 years. Because these cars were newish and never repainted, the paint with sstripper fell off and it took 4 hours and 3 gallons of stripper. The mess was enormous horrible slush that stuck to shoes and everything. Lots of hot soapy water to clear. Its effective. But with a RR it's much different because of the amount of paint. Also with old cars, there is bound to be body filler some of which maybe still good. Once stripper is on the car there is no going back the car must be stripped to bare metal and all bondo removed. Sanding gives fine control and if it is found that under Meath a few layers is a good substrate then a good RR refinish is attainable just as easily as if they car had been taken back to bare metal. As they say don't fix what isnt broke.
(Message approved by david_gore) |