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Bill Coburn
| Posted on Friday, 25 May, 2001 - 10:30: |    |
Recently I overhauled the rear dampers on an S2 and found the typical corroded shafts that effectively eat out the shaft seals. This was corrected by undercutting, metal spraying and re-finishing. But the seals intrigue me. Why such a thick 'primitive seal' My seal man suggested double lip seals which would fit perfectly and probably overcome the shaft corrosion problem. Any suggestions? |
david Jones
| Posted on Friday, 15 June, 2001 - 20:21: |    |
I have had the rear dampers overhauled on my Cloud 1, and the seals have been replaced with a lip type of seal. One of the units is fine and no leakage, the other has leaked and I would suggest that you have the internal bushes of the dampener checked or replaced during the overhaul. I think that this may be the cause of the leakage from my unit. Kind Regards David Jones Perth WA |
Bill Coburn
| Posted on Saturday, 16 June, 2001 - 20:52: |    |
Many thabks David I'll give them a try. Aty least with the front shocks it is a siimple matter to whip the seals out. Cheers |