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Martin Cutler
| Posted on Friday, 18 May, 2001 - 10:48: |    |
Hi guys and girls, Went along to a Vintage Motor Club meeting the other night, and found out some interesting facts. There is a court case underway in WA in relation to LRP ruining several motors. Higginbottoms, a well respected engine reconditioner, has spoken out saying he is seeing recon motors back after 3000 miles that have severely worn bores due to the LRP washing the oil off the bores. It was also found that LRP was burning at much higher temperatures, which caused problems for overheating, etc. The best solution offered was to run unleaded petrol with synthetic 2 stroke oil as an additive. The synthetic 2 stroke oil doesn't burn as white smoke, so is not unsightly. I am hoping and praying that I have not suffered any damage to my Bentley from using LRP, and will continue to fill up with unleaded, but now with a slash of 2 stroke oil as well. Martin |
David Saville
| Posted on Saturday, 19 May, 2001 - 12:52: |    |
Dear Martin, Found your opinion very interesting and have been advised by a marine mechanic some time ago to do the same thing - adding 2 stroke oil etc. His advise on the amount of oil to be added was when you can just see a slight blue haze on the exhaust. Do you have any ideas on the exact amount per litre? Regards David Saville |
Martin Cutler
| Posted on Monday, 21 May, 2001 - 11:49: |    |
Hi David, Tried just a dash so far, not very scientific, I know, but around 100ml in a tankfull. Maybe not enough, I will find out what others are doing. Was hoping someone who looks at this buletin board might be doing the same thing. |
Peter Markham
| Posted on Sunday, 10 June, 2001 - 19:01: |    |
I have exchanged several messages with the owner of a company in the U.K who is selling real tetra-ethyl lead as an additive for unleaded petrol. This is legal in the U.K. He is looking for an Australian distributor; I have not the time to research the legal position here (1 Federal and & 7 state/territory legislations to examine!) If anyone is interested in taking this up email me for his details. I had hoped that one or more car clubs would try a trial import of his product. P.S. He endorses with vigour the advice against the use of LRP. |
Martin Cutler
| Posted on Monday, 09 July, 2001 - 12:59: |    |
Hi guys and girls, Re lead additives, the makers of FA18 octane booster are putting lead into their product apon request. Our bike Club buys in bulk, and they put lead in it for us. The old Italian bikes like 100 octane, so the best is premuim unleaded 98 with octane booster. This is being used for track days, etc. I am using a product called Redline additive, which is sodium oxide based, in my Bentley. The bad news on this product is it is highly corrosive. Valvemaster, sold by Shell, is phosporus based, and seems to be foulling plugs. It can also lead to sticky valves. Caltex say they are using manganese in their LRP, but in what quantites? The redline product is $20 for 100 litres, fairly economical. Penrite are rumoured to be coming out with a new additive based on potassium. Anybody seen or heard of this. I religously use penrite oil in all my cars and bikes, HPR 50 in the Bentley and HPR 30 in the others. My bikes have no oil filters, and I change the oil every 2000 km's. The last bike I pulled down after it got a bit smoky had done 150,000km's. That is an air cooled triple, 1000 cc motor. Everything was in very good condition, and all we did was a light hone and replaced the rings - good as new. I put this down to the quality of the oil and the frequent oil changes. If anybody has any opinions on the Penrite potassium addative, I would love to hear from you via this forum! |