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Australian RR Forums » Spirit Series » Threads to 2015 » Hello ! Help , seems not engaging in the last gear « Previous Next »

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Piero Ricci
Yet to post message
Username: piero_ricci

Post Number: 1
Registered: 5-2009
Posted on Thursday, 07 May, 2009 - 19:11:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Good morning from Italy! This is my first message , I am a proud owner of a Bentley Eight that I bought last year from the local Bentley dealer . I have to say that I bought it cheaply however the fact it came from the official dealer it did not turn in a safe choice . Their attitude whenever I had problems was arrogant and bored , they were simply trying to avoid the issues and stay away as they sold the car , the "old car" as they were primarily focused to steal money from the "nouveau rich " who owns a GT or similar .
Now the official guarantee has expired byut I still have some problems .
As I am a not an expert and english is not my mother language I apologies in advance if not using the appropriate wordings .

Now I will start to "abuse" your knowledge on two topics :

1) the car seems to have difficulties to engage in the top gear when running at 120kmh ph . The engine become noisy and the speed stall there .
In other instances when you go with a soft foot the car seems running fine and keep going till 160 plus . what s your view?

2) I recently installed a LPG conversion . This has lead me to an overheat sistuation where it looks that following the modifications there was not enough coolant liquid . After having replaced it I can see that the car heats more than before and I learnt it may due to the LPG combustion process . Now if I open the coolant box , the coolant there is not really hot just slightly .Is this a sign that the coolant does not circulate?
The guy who installed the LPG insisted on changing the visocus coupling , still it does not seem anything changed .Is the fam meant to run for some minutes even if the engine is switchedoff? that does not happen

2) When installing the LPG conversion the odometer stopped working whilst the speedometer still works .Suggestions?

In my humble role of newbie and apprentice I thank you all in advance for the precious suggestions I can get .

Best regards

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Dr. Omar M. Shams
Experienced User
Username: omar

Post Number: 15
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Friday, 08 May, 2009 - 05:15:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I can only answer your item 3 (which you have labeled as item 2).
The speedo on these cars has a weak gear that often fails. I have replaced many of these as they only seem to have a short life in hot countries. The image attached shows which gear regularly fails. You can buy these plastic gears form video repair shops for pennies.
The coincidence with the LPG conversion is merely that.... a coincidence.
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Piero Ricci
New User
Username: piero_ricci

Post Number: 2
Registered: 5-2009
Posted on Friday, 08 May, 2009 - 06:05:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Many Thanks . this is certianly a good start
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Dr. Omar M. Shams
Experienced User
Username: omar

Post Number: 18
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Wednesday, 13 May, 2009 - 05:00:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

your problem number 1 requires you to be more accurate in your description before a solution can be proposed. It may not be a solution you would like to hear, but you will get an accurate response to an accurate message. I think you are saying that you are unable to get final gear when your foot is anything but gentle on the throttle pedal.
if your car has a kickdown switch, then check that this is set up correctly. Try to remove the kickdown relay (if your car has one) and see if that makes a difference. if it does not, then I would try changing the oil and filter in the transmission and pray very hard that this solves the problem.
What is the gearshifting like up and down through the rest of the gears? are there any strange noises?