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Larry Halpert
Prolific User
Username: larry_halpert

Post Number: 99
Registered: 9-2003
Posted on Monday, 23 October, 2006 - 07:10:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Any TSD-4700 info on the braking system being that ABS is now introduced on 20,000 series cars like mine, and front calipers tied together?

The single rear height valve as opposed to two, I think didn't get covered until the 90 & up manuals, right?
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Bill Coburn
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 769
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Monday, 23 October, 2006 - 09:50:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Larry, I fear I have misled researchers with the title of the sub-topic on post 20,000 SZ cars which I downloaded last night. The latest offering is of course devoted to engine management systems. The general manual covering the hydraulics among other areas is yet to be captured. The ABS and single levelling did come in at 20,000 although ABS appears to have been not universal judging by the options. I'll try and amend the last entry tonight. One problem we have is that if we need to make an amendment we have to wipe the whole thing and start again.
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Richard Treacy
Grand Master
Username: richard_treacy

Post Number: 1119
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Wednesday, 25 October, 2006 - 09:09:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Dear Larry,

ABS brakes and other SZ 20000-Series and 30000-series features are on the way, single channel levelling included.

If anyone acutely needs particular technical information on any Rolls-Royce and Bentley subsystem, the documents may be released early in the Technical Library as preliminary packages on request. Overall, we have a team of individuals, from Fiji to Dublin, working closely to achieve a staged rollout of as much technical information as is reasonable. The complete basic early postwar sections will be wrapped up in days, and there will be a very large inclusion of Silver Cloud and more SY T-Series / Silver Shadow and SYII material emerging in parallel.


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Larry Halpert
Prolific User
Username: larry_halpert

Post Number: 102
Registered: 9-2003
Posted on Thursday, 02 November, 2006 - 17:01:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Is the Electrics or Section M not in TSD-4700 because it is separated out to TSD-4701(87-88) & TSD-4848 (89)?
