CRUISE CONTROL FAILURE & REPAIR 1986 ... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Cliff Biggs
Experienced User
Username: cliffy

Post Number: 149
Registered: 09-2021
Posted on Friday, 06 September, 2024 - 12:25:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Had the cruise control quit last week and dug into the wiring just to get "acquainted" but then decided to check the easy stuff first - bellows and vacuum line. Eureka! I have found it! Just by collapsing the bellows by hand I found the split in its side.

BYW- new bellows can be found in all the usual places from $65 on up to $150 USD BUT they seem to be the same as any 1980s Jaguar XJS bellows at about $20 $30 USD :-) Just saying it pays to shop around.

If your bellows hasn't ever been replaced or the CC doesn't work check this out first and because its such an easy job do it anyway if its been in there for years.

ALL you need is an 11mm socket, extension and ratchet plus a flat blade screwdriver. Possibly needle nose pliers to help position the bead chain.

Problem solved by going on line and ordering another. The actual job itself was very easy to do.

2 bolts, a snap together connector and the vacuum hose plus the bead chain. Take the old bellows off and on with the new. A flat blade screwdriver helps to persuade the edges of the new bellows to go over the outside of the ends. Replace the vacuum feed line at the same time as it is probably hard and brittle also. Keep the spring inside the bellows centered as you work the edges on.

This unit sits next to the EGR valve and gets heated from it. The rubber gets hard and brittle.

When you connect up the bead chain to the throttle arm do not have it tight as a violin string or so loose it sags between the connections. Too much sag and the cruise control will "hunt" for the correct speed.

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