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Nigel Coombe
New User
Username: nigel_adelaide

Post Number: 42
Registered: 10-2017
Posted on Saturday, 11 January, 2020 - 19:59:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Today on my 88 Spirit left rear shock absorber which is a BOGE GMF1207 I was loosing LHM mineral oil so on inspection found the small hose that supplies the fluid was cracked and luckily had spare new hoses and connections .Thus replaced the hose and the new hose slightly thicker than original but used the new connectors I had supplied by Flying Spares. Sadly on tightening things up the connector into the shocker came out of the shocker side but looks like someone may have been there before and the piece that went into shocker had no thread on it so couldn't screw back in or put back into side of shocker .The piece that went into shocker was just plain metal with no thread and when i look into hole left in shocker there is no obvious thread .

The question is this piece an integral part of the shocker and I will need to replace shocker .SPM1286 kit with its right angle attaches to the my damaged connector coming out of Shocker . .
Would love some advice and is some repair possible or new shocker or maybe good second hand one.
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michael vass
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Username: mikebentleyturbo2

Post Number: 610
Registered: 07-2015
Posted on Saturday, 11 January, 2020 - 23:33:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Nigel
Can you not tap a thread into the shocker?
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Jim Walters
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Username: jim_walters

Post Number: 289
Registered: 01-2014
Posted on Monday, 13 January, 2020 - 06:52:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

That hose doesn't supply fluid, it is a drain for oil that gets past the pressure seal inside. The way to repair it is to clean the area and fitting thoroughly and use some red Loctite to put it back in. Wrap some tape around the damper to hold it in place and leave it overnight to develop full strength.

SRH8505 SRC18015 SRE22493 NAC-05370
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Nigel Coombe
New User
Username: nigel_adelaide

Post Number: 43
Registered: 10-2017
Posted on Tuesday, 14 January, 2020 - 15:45:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thanks Michael and Jim will follow your instructions .Will remove shocker and get my machinist pal to put a new thread in it and will use some loctite.
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Jim Walters
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Username: jim_walters

Post Number: 290
Registered: 01-2014
Posted on Tuesday, 14 January, 2020 - 16:16:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

No Nigel you don't have to take it off and have it threaded. The Loctite alone without doing any threading will hold it in just fine, it's done all the time on those damper fittings. Clean it well so both areas are free of oil and rough up the contacting surfaces a bit with rough emery cloth and glue it in with red Loctite. Use the red or green though, not blue or any wicking grade. The red and green are made to hold unthreaded parts like that together and it makes a sound repair.

SRH8505 SRC18015 SRE22493 NAC-05370
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Nigel Coombe
New User
Username: nigel_adelaide

Post Number: 44
Registered: 10-2017
Posted on Tuesday, 14 January, 2020 - 21:30:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thanks so much Jim. Just looked at my loctite it is black and non hardening so will see if I can get some red or green Loctite and do the job on the car.
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Nigel Coombe
New User
Username: nigel_adelaide

Post Number: 45
Registered: 10-2017
Posted on Wednesday, 15 January, 2020 - 16:07:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Jim have bought the advised red Loctite and will try in morning hope it seals so no mineral oil leak and will follow your instructions making sure clean and use emery paper before applying the sealant. .Will report .

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