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Australian RR Forums » Spirit Series » Running Turbo R engine out of car « Previous Next »

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Unregistered guest
Posted on Saturday, 30 December, 2017 - 20:03:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi folks,
I have a 1989 Turbo R which I have purchased as a donor car. It has been completly written off in a bad rear end colision before I bought it.
The vendor I puchased this car from had already started to strip the car for spares and the wiring in the engine bay has been "pruned" ready for engine and transmission removal.

Now here is the question.
Seeing as the engine can no longer be run in the car, I intend to remove it. I need to run the engine on a test stand to verify it's condition before I fit it to another project vehicle.
The car came with all the black boxes disconnected and put in the boot. What do I need to run the engine as a standalone engine, in the way of a basic wiring rig? I believe it is fitted with Bosch Motronic control and that is what I need to wire up to test the engine.
Any help would be gratefully received! Many thanks,

(Message approved by david_gore)

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