Front seat leather refurb (base remov... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Australian RR Forums » Spirit Series » Front seat leather refurb (base removal) « Previous Next »

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Alan Harrison
Experienced User
Username: alanharrison

Post Number: 20
Registered: 6-2016
Posted on Wednesday, 29 March, 2017 - 06:46:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi guy's,

I'm going to be referring my 2 front seats over the next week or so and have a couple of questions..

How do you remove the seat base? mine is like the one here:

If I lift the front up they are hinged, but I can't see how they are fastened on at the back.

Also, I'd appreciate it if someone can tell me how to remove the arm rests..

Many thanks in advance
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Christian S. Hansen
Grand Master
Username: enquiring_mind

Post Number: 561
Registered: 4-2015
Posted on Wednesday, 29 March, 2017 - 13:07:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Seems to me I have seen similar instructions for the Shadow in the service manual "Body" section, but what do I know? These days I can barely remember what day of the week it is, why I am here, nor what I had for breakfast, or did I even get that far? Worth looking though.

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michael vass
Prolific User
Username: mikebentleyturbo2

Post Number: 292
Registered: 7-2015
Posted on Wednesday, 29 March, 2017 - 18:23:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Alan
Didn't your car was LHD?
You just unhook the elastic band from under the rear ,just a big hook ok, call me if you like

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