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David Towers
Frequent User
Username: xtriple

Post Number: 83
Registered: 6-2010
Posted on Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 10:32:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

What ho chaps, I seem to be an addict when it comes to spending on this car (Brooklands 'R' LPT 98 - 66221) as I have just bought, had painted and fitted Mulliner wing vents. Something I have wanted since I first saw them years ago. I wanted them but was put off by the sheer ridiculousness of the price of them... but the heart wants what the heart wants! So they are on and I love them. I'd post pictures but I seem to break the forum every time I try...

But, just as these were done, paranoia set in once more. I 'think' I can hear a slight whirr noise in first gear (4 speed 'box in this car) and wondered if this is usual? I can only hear it if the stereo is in a quiet point between tracks and I listen hard. The gearbox was serviced last year at the BIG service she had done (£11000 worth of service!). I must have unusual ears as I can also hear the turbo spool (could on my old car as well) which others say is inaudible.

Am I being insane again or is this a common fault/foible or is my gearbox about to explode in a shower of expensive bits and oil all over the road?

Also, is there an accurate(ish) way of checking the gearbox oil level with the engine off and stone cold? The car is stored at the moment (winter here) and is rarely used and I am worrying again.

Many thanks all.
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Patrick Ryan
Grand Master
Username: patrick_r

Post Number: 928
Registered: 4-2016
Posted on Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 10:58:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi David,

Set your camera to a "standard" photo ratio like 4.3:1 not "square" or 1:1 as some phones have the capability to do.

once you take your image, open it up on a PC or Laptop and use an editor to change the size to 640 x 480.

If you open it using a tablet or smartphone, you will need to download a photo resizing tool.
These are free and do a great job.

The image below is a screen shot showing the standard Microsoft office 2010 photo editing software on my laptop.

Save the image as a separate file name, as once you change it you run the risk of downsizing your original image for good.

Any 640x480 (or smaller) image can be placed on the forum.

Sorry, cant help you with your tranny question.

Please note the unit of measure quoted by Patrick is pixels [px] - 640px x 480px corresponds to an image size of 2.13inches x 1.6inches [54.2mm x 40.6mm].

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Omar M. Shams
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Username: omar

Post Number: 1007
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 16:34:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Dear David,
My Continental R has always had a slight whirring sound in first gear too. I have had the car 6 years now.
I wouldn't worry about it as long as you maintain it by carrying out regular oil and filter changes.
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David Towers
Frequent User
Username: xtriple

Post Number: 84
Registered: 6-2010
Posted on Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 21:01:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thank you both. My mind is put at rest/ease. I do like to worry rather.

I shall find a re-sizer and post one of the two pathetic pictures I have.
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David Towers
Frequent User
Username: xtriple

Post Number: 85
Registered: 6-2010
Posted on Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 21:12:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Okay, lets try....

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Patrick Ryan
Grand Master
Username: patrick_r

Post Number: 936
Registered: 4-2016
Posted on Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 21:28:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Now that's a nice vent mate.

I like it
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Paul Yorke
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Username: paul_yorke

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Registered: 6-2006
Posted on Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 21:34:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Nice David :-)

Patrick, don't let anybody catch you! ;)
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David Towers
Frequent User
Username: xtriple

Post Number: 88
Registered: 6-2010
Posted on Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 21:54:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thank you chaps... you can lik it if you like, won't taste very nice since it's covered in Waxoyl and various polishes, but each to their own :-)

You can bring a friend if you want, there's a matching one on the other side!
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Patrick Ryan
Grand Master
Username: patrick_r

Post Number: 937
Registered: 4-2016
Posted on Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 22:06:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Oh for gods sake lol

PLEEEEEEASE fix my spelling mistake

I need to wear my reading glasses more when proof reading.

Spelling corrected lickety split - sorry I just couldn't resist a play on word sound .

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Omar M. Shams
Grand Master
Username: omar

Post Number: 1008
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Tuesday, 24 January, 2017 - 03:30:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

nice touch David.
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Patrick Ryan
Grand Master
Username: patrick_r

Post Number: 941
Registered: 4-2016
Posted on Tuesday, 24 January, 2017 - 10:22:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thanks David.

Much appreciated.

For penance I would go find a Bentley & lick its vent for everyone's enjoyment.

But hey, I don't know of one here in NSW

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