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C Lungmuss
Unregistered guest
Posted on Friday, 01 July, 2016 - 01:57:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

My 1982 RR Silver Spirit has presented me with a problem that I hope someone else has experienced and/or knows the solution to my problem. Coming home recently I realised that fluid from the left side rear suspension was pouring out! Got home and put the car onto the ramp, wheel off and then underneath to see where the hydraulic fluid was coming from. Brake caliper was dry, no pipes were leaking but a lot of fluid spread about, which has made where it has come from impossible to determine. Topped up the reservoirs, started the engine but no leak! Put the wheel back on, came off the ramp ,reversed and then saw fluid again pouring out of the rear suspension. Back onto the ramp, wheel off and had another look, this time by looking at the fluid pattern spread I felt it could be the rear damper. Filled the reservoirs again ( good job I buy in LHM in bulk), wheel back on and reversed again but this time onto some planking so I could wriggle under the rear of the car to see where exactly the fluid was coming from - not a drop!! Went forward, reversed, back onto the ramp, not a drop of fluid anywhere. Because I do not know where or why so much LHM fluid came out I am feeling very cautious about venturing out. Before I do go out I need another 4.5 litres of LHM, just in case. Any advice or help would be very welcome before I create a shortage of LHM. Best wishes Clive

(Message approved by david_gore)
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richard george yeaman
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Posted on Friday, 01 July, 2016 - 11:55:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hello Sir I was working on a 1982 Spirit last week and I noticed about half way up the damper there was a small pipe coming out of the side called the leakage return pipe might be worth a look.

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Christian S. Hansen
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Posted on Friday, 01 July, 2016 - 12:10:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Not that I can be that much help in the actual diagnosis, but for those who may, it will be relevant to know which, or both, reservoirs needed to be refilled. Did you really mean to say reservoir"s", as in plural, both? If so, that is a relevant symptom, I am sure. If only one, which one??
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Paul Yorke
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Posted on Friday, 01 July, 2016 - 20:22:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi, sounds like you need to jack it up and then operate the height control valve to feed the struts.

Most often it is the pipe that goes to bleed nipple . They are prone to rusting where dirt is thrown up onto it.
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Alan Dibley
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Posted on Saturday, 02 July, 2016 - 19:30:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Another idea:-
There is a flexible pipe (can't remember where - I sold my Spirit years ago) which carries the low-pressure return flow from the height-control valves. If this has closed with age, as they do, when the rear suspension decides to lower itself a bit the LHM finds the easiest route via the seals around the height-control valve spindles - these are only low-pressure seals but if there is no free path back to the reservoir then that area becomes high-pressure.
Might be worth a check.
Alan D.

PS I found this out the hard way by rebuilding a HCV three times before the penny dropped.
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C Lungmuss
Unregistered guest
Posted on Sunday, 03 July, 2016 - 17:32:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hello all,
Thank you for your quick response to my rear suspension fluid exiting my car. Richard I did a check the small pipe at the top of the damper, and did not see a fluid leak. Christian I topped up both reservoirs but it was the one nearest the wing (No.2?) which was empty. When I did a bleed on the system Paul nothing came out of the bleed nipple so I removed the pipe to check it was not blocked. It was clear but very fragile through rusting so I have replaced it. Why would the bleed system not work when the car is running and fully pressurised? Alan your point is interesting if the system did have too much pressure could the fluid be forced out through the damper? I ask this as I am beginning to think this may be the culprit. Thanks again for your thoughts they do serve as a reminder to check everything, Regards, Clive

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Paul Yorke
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Posted on Sunday, 03 July, 2016 - 23:14:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Have you tried operating the hcv linkages?

Does the suspension rise and fall?

There is a slight delay built in so operate the lever and wait a minute or so.

Was the car loaded when the fluid was leaking?
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C Lungmuss
Unregistered guest
Posted on Monday, 04 July, 2016 - 19:43:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hello Paul,
Thank for the idea of trying the HCV that is something I had not yet tried. The car had only me in when the fluid leaked, is that loaded? I'm 13.5 stone! I will not be able to give any feedback on the various suggestions for a couple of weeks as I will be away at Rosilli,Gower. Unfortunately not in the RR I shall be using the Bentley to give it a good run down from Lichfield. Thanks to all for the possible causes for the fluid leak, as I said before I am coming to the thought it is the damper, but why it should leak then not leak is what I need to find out. Regards, Clive

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Paul Yorke
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Posted on Tuesday, 05 July, 2016 - 09:31:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Clive,

You'll have to pop in for a cuppa, we are only up the road from the Gower.

I have never seen a rear damper expel oil quickly. I guess if it rusted through it would be possible to do this though.

Occasionally when jacking them up quickly the rear dampers will leak temporarily. But not usually a large quantity but it does usually stop once the weight is returned to the wheels.

Loaded is usually more than just the driver.

Did the car sink on the leaking side?
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C Lungmuss
Unregistered guest
Posted on Wednesday, 06 July, 2016 - 04:31:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Paul thank you for the quick note back. We usually use the Heads of the Valley road to pick up the Ross Spur then M5 back to Midlands. If I can persuade Mrs Lungmuss to take a slightly longer route back via Builth Wells you may well have a caller!! The damper is not rusty and there is a small amount dribbling down when jacked up. It did sink on the one side when the LHM shot out. Yesterday I reversed the car car down the drive came forward on to the ramp went back then forward again over the ramp - not a drop came out!! I lay awake at night thinking to myself, did I imagine this fluid loss? It will have to wait until I get back from the Gower for further investigation. Thanks again, Clive

(Message approved by david_gore)
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Neville Davies
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Posted on Wednesday, 06 July, 2016 - 16:39:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Clive.Don't I had a similar problem yesterday,small patch of LHM on drive no sign of leak, in fact rear of car very dry.Went and filled up on return steady little drip from behind rear O/S wheel removed wheel- no drip- Jacked up lower arm leak increased the shiny green pipe had a leak right on the bend and had rusted through.Incidentally I was intending to go to west Wales and call on Paul on the way.I ended up having to renew the pipe.
If you use J47 for the Gower Paul's only 15mins Mrs Lungmuss might like a cuppa .
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C Lungmuss
Unregistered guest
Posted on Wednesday, 06 July, 2016 - 18:10:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Good morning Neville,
Thank you for that tip on where to look for possible leakage. My fluid poured out twice from somewhere, now it is bone dry! I will have another look when I get back from the Gower. I am hoping to get up to meet Paul, he has been a valuable contributor to this forum. I am going to a house at Middleton a friend lets me use and in return I help keep the garden tidy etc. Next week I am decorating the kitchen. I was going to call by at Paul's on my return journey. Good of you to put forward your experience, regards, Clive.

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Unregistered guest
Posted on Tuesday, 16 August, 2016 - 04:36:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hello again,
I have now had time to try and fathom out this fluid leak and provide an update that might be useful to others . First thank you for all your hints and tips, secondly apologies Paul I had every intention of calling in for that cuppa. Unfortunately time was against me as I had to pick someone up at New Quay in fact from Cwmtudu.
On the car first one side leaked then the other even on standing, this had never happened before. I was now starting to consider new dampers or having the old ones reconditioned. Alan advised look at any hose links as they may have perished internally. The RR Spirit has all pipes going into the HVC but I thought possibly the return pipe could be blocked and causing high pressure which was forcing the fluid out. Could not undo the end going into the HVC so cut it and made a new one and fitted it, the pipe that was taken off was not blocked! The car was on my ramp with suspension dropped, started the car waited for the lights to extinguish. Opened the bleed valve, bled the system for about 30 secs, closed the bleed valve, switched off and refilled the reservoir. Did the same for the other side but this time the after a short time the fluid coughed and spluttered before becoming a steady stream, air in the system? I drove the car up and down my short drive over the ramp and back again, the ride height was correct. Put the car on the ramp and dropped the rear wheels. The car has been there two hours with the dampers fully extended and there is not even the usual dribble. Is it possible there was an air pocket that caused the pressure to increase and pushed the fluid out where it could? Regards Clive

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Neville Davies
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Posted on Tuesday, 16 August, 2016 - 17:22:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Clive.Nice to know your trip was uneventful as far as leaks were concerned and you escaped the wilds of Cwmtudu You say you have the rear wheels hanging when I had my problem leak it was only apparent when the car was on it's wheels and weighted down i.e. I has just filled it with fuel.Just a thought.
Regards Nev
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Clive Lungmuss
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Posted on Saturday, 20 August, 2016 - 03:14:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hello Neville,
With the car on the ground there are no leaks. On the ramp previously both sides leaked a small amount, something Paul said can happen. After this recent occurance and putting in a new pipe and bleeding the system the car was left on the ramps with the suspension dropped for two hours - no leaks. Two days later I tried it again on the ramp with the suspension dropped and the rear left let loose a small amount of fluid? Just as an aside I am back at Cwmtudu next week property sitting!! Thanks for your thoughts, Clive

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