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Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 - 04:08 am: |    |
Hello everybody.. I've a shadow RHD from 1976 and have a little problem since faw days. A hose come out in the bonnet, above the steering columm and from it does drop something like water, but wich seems smell coolant. My coolant nivel doesn't seems to go lower; but as it is only dropping, may it couldn't be seen. 1° is it normal (even it's dropping on the steering columm and beguin to rust it!) ? 2° what's this end of hose at this place ? 3° could it be a leak on a "durit" or heat valve inside the daskboard, flowing out by an overfull-hose for condensation or humidity for exemple ? I've taken a picture this morning, but does know how to send on this forum....if someone want to try to help me, may I can send him ? thanks for answer happy new year serge |
Richard Treacy Prolific User Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 83 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 - 05:41 am: |    |
Windscreen washer fluid ? Or is it the aircon drain ? Send me a pic. |
whunter Prolific User Username: whunter
Post Number: 62 Registered: 10-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 - 12:02 pm: |    |
Hello serge I suspect that your native language is not english. I am not being critical, only an observation. Please e-mail a copy of the picture to me. If it would be easier to give detail in your native language; please feel free to do so, I use many exelent translation programs each day. I would ask that subject be english topic reference. It could be helpful to know where you are, there may be a club member willing to assist near you. Best whishes and hope to hear from you soon. whunter |
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 - 07:16 pm: |    |
Hi, thanks richard and whunter. That is so; as I already said in the general forum, I'm french living in paris and already "appologize" for my bad english ! I've send you a picture with some more details with "my words". I've the worksbook CD but in english; french version are very rare, even the books ! there is the copy of my email; may it could help someone to answer ?: "there is the picture of the localisation of the problem. you can see on the first arrow I've drawed, the steering columm coming out, and on the second arrow, the end of this hose, wich beguin (come out) a little above, and beguin in square form, to end in little triangle form. on the left of the picture, you have a very little part of the bottom of the windscrean washer fluid, wich I've already thought end so, empty yesterday to be sure; on the top of the picture, you have the steering oil jauge. my A/C is out of order, so even if it was an aircon drain, it couldn't be condensation (and in paris at this time, we don't need aircon, but heating !!)" thanks for all and happy new year serge
Richard Treacy Prolific User Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 84 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 04 January, 2004 - 01:08 am: |    |
Good news I expect. I am almost certain that is simply the drain hose for your air conditioner, heater and ventilation outside air intake chest. If so, the effect is perfectly normal. The drain does start off as a square section hose, and lets the water drip clear of anything sensitive. Any water which enters the intake chest from the scuttle behind the bonnet drips to the bottom of the chest then drains out. After all, you don't want it dripping into the car's interior.. RT. |
whunter Prolific User Username: whunter
Post Number: 64 Registered: 10-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 04 January, 2004 - 01:37 am: |    |
Hello Everyone I have been trying to locate a local RHD to confirm my opinion. I agree: it looks like the drain hose for the air conditioner, heater and ventilation outside air intake chest. My concern: Engine coolant coming from this drain indicates a bad heater core or hose, not fun to replace or repair. Is there any chance; you had a small spill or a vandal poured engine coolant in the scuttle behind the bonnet? |
Richard Treacy Prolific User Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 85 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 04 January, 2004 - 03:26 am: |    |
A little thought after Bill's comment, it is possibly windscreen washer fluid leaking at the hose joint to the spray nozzle located at the windscreen base. Correct winter washer fluid usually smells like coolant, so don't be overly alarmed. If the leak is there, then it will run straight into the chest and out the drain hose and is only a minor annoyance. The engine coolant hoses are mostly far away on the other side of the engine, and there are certainly none in the area you have highlighted, so don't worry !. Were it is a heater matrix or heater/coolant hose leak, they would send fluid out through other exits, and certainly not the identified hose. That is why I am reasonably sure the problem is trivial. RT. |
bob uk Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Wednesday, 07 January, 2004 - 04:35 am: |    |
To find leaks use dye. What colour is the water. If it tastes sweet - Antifreeze. If tastes of soap then screenwash. The air con drain and scuttle drain should drain outside the car. Mine drain (1974 RHD Shadow 1 ) is just above the gearbox bellhousing to one side. If this get blocked by leaves etc the car well get wet inside. The scuttle is the bit between the bonnet and the wind shield. where the wipers are. I wish I could write in French so that you can understand better.
Richard Treacy Prolific User Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 88 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, 07 January, 2004 - 05:37 am: |    |
Be careful: winter grade windscreen washer fluid tastes of antifreeze. The aircon drain is indeed where you say, but the two scuttle drains are much higher up, on the right hand side for example near the gearbox dipstick and throttle linkage on both my '72 T and '87 Turbo R. They are stubby drain hoses about 10 cm long with a narrow and long horizontal exit about 2 cm by 5 mm facing the front of the car on each side. They start at the scuttle chest as a 2cmx2cm approx. square section hose from memory. |
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Saturday, 10 January, 2004 - 09:52 pm: |    |
Hi, thanks for all answer. At the same time I post my question, I try to empty the washing reservor and the day after, nothing was drop anymore...I've just drive 30min (3M) in Paris (very bad weather at this time when I'm free to drive with the car and I don't drive under the rain !!) since this using the only "upper" heating and nothing drop more too. So I think thaht this time, Richard was right (ouf; no bad job to doo !!) and I have just to check the rubber washong hoses, probably at the spray nozzle... By the way, the place of the drain is very bad: just above the steering columm may cause some rust on it !!! thanks again for your help !!! by seRRgio |