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Australian RR Forums » Silver Shadow Series » Partial Brake Failure Warning « Previous Next »

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Posted on Friday, 07 June, 2024 - 02:04:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I have SRH17600 and it comes with a Warning Light called "Partial Brake Failure". This is in addition to the two standard brake pressure lights.

I have been through the manual exhaustively and can find no mention of this in the book, and nor can others.

Usually in this location there is the brake Fluid Level warning lamp.

Does anyone know if this Partial Brake Failure warning lamp is simply the usual brake fluid level warning with different text on it, or is it an electrical failsafe triggered by the standard pressure warning lamps, or does this car have a THIRD pressure sensor somewhere?

I've drawn a blank from the manuals, and would like to know how the warning lamp is triggered. I would therefore be really grateful if anyone knew how this works!

Thank you!

(Message approved by david_gore)

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