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Australian RR Forums » Silver Shadow Series » Threads to 2015 » SS II alternative belt replacement « Previous Next »

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Harry Kuurio
Experienced User
Username: harry_kuurio

Post Number: 36
Registered: 4-2004
Posted on Wednesday, 08 June, 2005 - 05:13 am:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi all,

The original ACC / PS drive belt can be replaced with Gates "Super-HC" MN SPA 1632 on Silver Shadow II's (at least).

This belt is reinforced and has moulded notches. Both belts have to be changed at the same time.

I believe Larry will include this info on his list, too.

A pic is included. Above is the original, below the Gates. Gates may seem wider, but both are 11,3 mm wide and 8,3 mm deep. Lenght = 1632 mm.

Just to let everyone know.

DHGates belt replacement / SS II
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Larry Halpert
Prolific User
Username: larry_halpert

Post Number: 74
Registered: 9-2003
Posted on Thursday, 09 June, 2005 - 07:20 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Not to cross-post this cross-reference, but using your specs of the actual Rolls belt, Silver Shadow II ACC/Power Steering belts should be Gates (US) #7640, or Dayco #15640, or Napa 25-7640 measuring at 1626mm x 11.5mm (29/64")like original. Gates industrial SPA 1632 will also work, but actually specs out at 12.7mm (1/2") wide. This might be why the SPA 1632 belt looks wider. "SPA" belts are industrial standard at 12.7mm wide x 10mm deep.

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Harry Kuurio
Experienced User
Username: harry_kuurio

Post Number: 37
Registered: 4-2004
Posted on Thursday, 07 July, 2005 - 10:07 am:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Here's the evidence: the Gates will fit like a glove, and it's a quality belt to rely on (industrial). It is, also, very quiet as RT has stated. After changing the PS pump which was whining AND the belts, the engine bay area is whisper quiet now - or should I say silent as a Shadow...

Anyways, the 0,4 mm difference in width comes with the Gates being reinforced, but that's only the "shoulder" of the belt which does NOT bed in the groove of the pulley. Also, depth is just on par, not hitting the bottom of the pulley. There's "room" for wear.

No, I'm not not a Gates belt dealer or anything like that, just happy at finding a good replacement and sharing the info.

Pix attached.

For Larry: no harm done, keep on with the excellent list of yours!


Moderator's Advice;
Harry, when inserting your photos; please use the enter key between each insertion so pictures load down the page instead of across the page - having to continually scroll forward and back to read your message with "across the page" photos is frustrating. Kind regards David

(Message edited by david_gore on July 07, 2005)