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Australian RR Forums » Silver Shadow Series » Threads to 2015 » Kingsborne Spark Plug Wires « Previous Next »

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Randy Roberson
Grand Master
Username: wascator

Post Number: 504
Registered: 5-2009
Posted on Saturday, 29 August, 2015 - 12:19 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I got my new set of plug wires from Kingsborne in California. They are nice quality using Beru materials. Alas! I am losing my fancy wire organizers as these seem to have been assembled onto the wires before the ends were put on. I am saving these and I may ask the Kingsborne folks if they can use these parts and assemble a new set of wires. They would then be VERY nice!
Meanwhile I will soldier on with the new, unloomed wires, shame and all. The wires are numbered, but not A and b, numbers only. They fit OK but some may be a little long. I think I can get by for now.
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David Lacey
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Username: dlacey

Post Number: 58
Registered: 11-2010
Posted on Saturday, 29 August, 2015 - 07:53 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

You could use a sharp knife to cut a slit in the back side of the rubber organisers...then push your new wires in from the back...cannot be seen from the normal engine bay view...
I know its bodgetastic, but it looks ok...
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Randy Roberson
Grand Master
Username: wascator

Post Number: 505
Registered: 5-2009
Posted on Sunday, 30 August, 2015 - 10:58 am:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

David, I wanted to thank you for the suggestion; I got my wires installed this afternoon and implemented your idea which worked very nicely!
I thought I was not going to be able to get the wires on B-bank changed without taking a lot of parts off. I hated to do it but I cut the old wires up to get them out and I was then able to thread the new wires in place a lot easier than I expected.
Thanks again!