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jan chedski Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Wednesday, 14 April, 2004 - 11:14 pm: |    |
this forun is vrey good for most things but many people thinkthey are so better tnan oters that they treat people with missplaced rubbish.should not be cars are cars make for good discussiun not mickey take of people who not understand sometime.every body have right to say what they believe is so on cars sometimes wrong but is ok if put right in the good way some of you treat others as they do not know anything bill c vrey good i think but 2 3 others not think they know everthing they not here we have very good engineneers and history good home of vw design for beetle and porche and best car in my thinking tatra |
Bill Coburn Grand Master Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 130 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 15 April, 2004 - 07:58 am: |    |
Jan/ I think I detected a compliment there in which case thank you. Personally I think this forum is free of unpleasantness largely I suspect through the efforts of the monitors. The latter have managed to run the forum without resorting to vetting everything before publication which does nothing for continuity. As a fairly big contributor the only irritations I have are people who just announce a problem and expect an answer, without often giving the model of the car let alone chassis number or year of manufacture. The other irritant is the contributor who sets a tantalising problem and I together with others offer all sorts of solutions/ideas/observations and then wait for the feedback but hear nothing further. A simple thankyou would would help but we the contributors also need to learn and the feedback is our source of learning! |
David Gore Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 243 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 15 April, 2004 - 01:13 pm: |    |
Bill, you have raised a very important aspect of the forum and that is FEEDBACK - if users can take a few minutes to document the outcome of their enquiry and what they did/found/tried without success then we will all benefit. |
John Dare Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Saturday, 17 April, 2004 - 02:52 pm: |    |
Jan Chedski, Interesting to see that a favourite car of yours is the Czech. "Tatra" of which there are a few in this country. As you may know, there has been much discusion over the years as to whether Dr.F.Porsche copied the original "flat" 4 cyl.VW from the original "Tatra" unit as designed by Ledwinka. Both designs reflect a remarkable similarity!. Quite OK to talk "VW" on this forum, for as they liked the car (R-R/B) so much, they bought the company!. Well sort of. Dont talk too much "Porsche" here though, as there exists a world "authority" who views such cars as "Dodgem" cars. Despite this "expert" view, "Porsche" remain independent, easily selling all that they produce. No buy outs/sell outs for THEM! PS. good article on "Tatra" in March edition of the U.K magazine, "Classic & Sports Car" Enjoy. |
William H. Trovinger II Grand Master Username: bill_trovinger
Post Number: 104 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Saturday, 17 April, 2004 - 03:19 pm: |    |
John; “ "Porsche" remain independent,” just for one have you taken a look at the Touareg and the Cayenne? Regards, Bill
John Dare Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Saturday, 17 April, 2004 - 03:33 pm: |    |
I think what I meant was that the company that continues to make the quintessential sports car (the "Porsche" 996, as evolved from the 911 in 1963/4) has NOT had to "sell out" as have many other manufacturers. That is a FACT, which at least tells me something. |
Pat Lockyer Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Saturday, 17 April, 2004 - 05:20 pm: |    |
For the record Tatra had a patent suit with VW over the prototype VW. A 3,000,000DM sum was paid to Tatra on a out of court settlement. Ledwinka started to obtain a share but could not afford the legal costs his Friend Felix Wankel offered to help but Hans Ledwinka died before any results. I have a T600 Flat four cylinder air cooled needless to say it is noisy as are the 911's. For fast trips i use the water cooled 944 very smooth and quiet as are the Silver Shadows.
John Dare Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Saturday, 17 April, 2004 - 06:07 pm: |    |
Thank you Pat. I had vaguely recalled the court case for which you have now provided details. When you say you have a T600, I assume that is a paricular model "Tatra"?. Here in Australia, I have only seen two of the large "sloper" type backed cars, which I believe had air-cooled V8s, and once heard a story that their predecessors from the late 30s, had such dangerous handling (at speed) that when such cars were "requisitioned" by Germany(post 1939) their high command officers were prohibited from travelling in them!. "Porsche" 944 remains an under rated car. 944 Turbo even moreso, given its WRX like performance. |
jan chedski Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Monday, 19 April, 2004 - 02:27 am: |    |
thank You for feedbak,bill,it was compliment to Yuo becuase i think You understant the man who likes to help himself on his cars and do so in a waY that is not to complicated thank zou i am predujuced for the tatra but there are maz fine cars in the world and i find that the same model of car can be verz differnt inwazs of the engine do You not call them fridaY cars? still good to help engineers not to get to friendlY with car,i hope this forum goes on with the help it gives i like thew old cars better thez have more person than the new cars thez like women You most love and care for them |