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David Balfour
New User Username: sidchrome
Post Number: 3 Registered: 2-2009
| Posted on Monday, 29 June, 2009 - 12:23: |    |
I was lucky enough to recently receive assistance from a respected member of the forum in obtaining a wiring diagram for my Cloud II for which I am most grateful. As an engineer and former electrical fitter and mechanic I can testify to the importance of good circuit information. The diagram in the back of the owner's handbook though is not quite good enough for many electrical tasks due to the fact that this is a layout drawing only and is typically automotive in its degree of vagueness. Knowing that a fully detailed version would have been created for the car's electrical design and to create a running list for the loom, I made enquiries at the Hunt House as to whether they have any detailed drawings from the factory. The reply I received was: Hello Mr Balfour Your request for the wiring diagrams for the SCII has been passed to me by Barbara Westlake. These are available in the Workshop Manual TSD 729 which retails @ £175.97 plus postage & packing approx £40 to Australia. There is a whole section at the back of the manual with wiring diagrams for all parts of the car. If you would like to order this manual you may pay by MasterCard/Visa (please incl. card number, expiry date and last 3 digits from the signature strip), cheque in £sterling or bank transfer. Thank you for your enquiry. Kind regards Linda Housden I would love to buy the manual, but feel at the moment I cannot justify spending £215.97 with so many physical things the car more urgently needs. I was wondering if someone in the club might already have this manual which apparently has wiring diagrams for all parts of the car. Please let me know if you think you can help. When I can afford one I will seriously consider purchasing a full manual. D.B. |
Colin Silver
Experienced User Username: colsilver
Post Number: 43 Registered: 8-2008
| Posted on Monday, 29 June, 2009 - 15:43: |    |
I don't think you are going to get the diagrams your profession would expect in TSD 729 Have you tried the library? I got sent there yesterday. Here is a diagram for a Cloud I No doubt there is a similar one for the Cloud II |
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1768 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, 29 June, 2009 - 19:50: |    |
What's wrong with referring to the Technical Library ? The S2/SCII wiring diagrammes are at: |
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1771 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, 29 June, 2009 - 20:38: |    |
ps John: there are two editions of the S1 / SCI electrical wiring diagrammes in the Technical Library too. That includes the one in the link you quote, but it is in pdf form to view, to download or to print conveniently. Also there is of course TSD Publication 729. In other words, it is all already there. If more is needed, please send a message over the link provided in the Technical Library. RT. |
David Balfour
New User Username: sidchrome
Post Number: 4 Registered: 2-2009
| Posted on Monday, 29 June, 2009 - 21:38: |    |
Richard, thank you for pointing out that the diagram exists in the Technical Library. Mr Coburn was kind enough to scan it from the pocket at the back of an SCII's owner's handbook a few weeks ago and send it to me in 3 parts. Wanting to contribute, I joined the three separate parts together to create a single image which I sent back to Bill and which he mentioned he would forward to you for inclusion in the Technical Library. However, this is a layout drawing which is intended for basic fault finding only and is well, vague by nature. I emailed the Hunt House in hope that they might have full diagram(s) somewhere in their repository and their response was "There is a whole section at the back of the manual with wiring diagrams for all parts of the car." referring to the Service Manual TSD 729 not the owner's handbook. Their quoted price gave me heart failure. So, my question was did anyone in the club have Service Manual TSD 729 with these diagrams in the back. I wanted to know if they are indeed full diagrams or just a general layout diagram as in the owner's handbook. |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 1141 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, 29 June, 2009 - 22:54: |    |
David fret not! I have the drawing you require as I need it to rewire my own S2! I also have the full drawing for the S3. I have been at death's door with a cold for the last week trying to get the Pharmacy to recognise my forged script for single malt and provide it at Govt expense. Blasted bureaucrats. The drawings I sent you I thought was what you required. My mistake! As to TSD 729 the drawings are there but possibly not in the scan for the library - I haven't checked. Your purchase experience is not unique in fact it was this approach that encouraged Richard and me to establish the library since we felt it was preferable to facilitate the preservation of our cars than to make money! |
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1772 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, 29 June, 2009 - 22:59: |    |
I'll see whether I can locate the termination diagrammes and cable schedules (practical wiring diagrammes for want of a better collective name), Sections M11 onwards. However, don't expect too much. They are nigh useless. The S-Series was the first model where Crewe attempted this properly after the 20/25, but the result is not really anything worth looking at. I must say that I normally bin the termination diagrammes and cable schedules, they being too much a headache harking back to the tedium of checking and signing off the draftsmen’s' work in my first months as a graduate electrical engineer, and only use the wiring diagrammes. RT. |
David Balfour
New User Username: sidchrome
Post Number: 5 Registered: 2-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, 01 July, 2009 - 09:08: |    |
Thanks Bill and Richard for creating the library by the way. If there is more circuit info you can send me or add to the library I would be most grateful. I would like to scan the SCII owner's handbook that I have just bought. It appears to be the LHD specific version though as it came from the U.S. and shows only the LHD dash. Someone with the full blown Adobe Acrobat (or Acrobat Pro) would be able to use its internal OCR function to make the PDFs text search-able. The OCR that comes with my scanning software is useless and only capable of creating error ridden text or *.doc files not Indexed PDF unfortunately. |
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1773 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, 01 July, 2009 - 14:08: |    |
David, thank you. All documents are most welcomed. OCR is no problem at all. Mostly the library documents have already been processed with OCR, but are not always put in the library in that form. The douments are often in very large files, and some decisions, or guesses, must always be made on the tradeoff between quality and useability. There has been no feedback on OCR, quality, file sizes or practically anything else. RT. |