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Mernon Lollich
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Username: mernon_lollich

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Registered: 5-2005
Posted on Monday, 24 April, 2006 - 23:33:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

The heater and demister (winter/summer)taps on my 1958 SC1 LSJF72 leak about a pint in 100 miles. Chess Ferrier of RREC posted that these taps can be lapped with grinding paste, but no other details. I'd appreciate any info on how to disassemble and repair, how much coolant to drain, etc. I gather that there are no O rings, and there appears to be a split pin at the bottom of the tap. Thanks in advance. Email okay.

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Bill Coburn
Username: bill_coburn

Post Number: 632
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Tuesday, 25 April, 2006 - 09:03:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Mernon there is not much else to tell. Carefully remove the tap, pull the split pin which will release the limiter washer and a small spring. The latter keeps the two bits tightly pushed together. Note the position of the washer so that the tap swings through the correct arc. Having removed the spigot clean the lot up and lap the two pieces together. Reassemble with high melting point grease as that is the last seal. One problem is the replacement split pin which I recall is of brass or copper to avoid corrosion. Hopefully you'll find one, if not use steel and keep it oiled. Hopefully you change your coolant every year which is the time to do this job, otherwise pull a bucketful out and you should avoid any further loss.
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Mernon Lollich
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Username: mernon_lollich

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Posted on Tuesday, 25 April, 2006 - 23:54:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thanks a bunch, Bill.

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Donald Maloid
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Posted on Sunday, 09 September, 2007 - 09:27:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I have a 60 Bentley S2 and my heater core is leaking.Is there an easier way to remove it without pully the entire fender off?
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Paul Yorke
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Posted on Sunday, 09 September, 2007 - 18:01:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


is is JUST ABOUT possible to do it without removing the wing/fender. But very very very tricky.

Did a couple like that when I was younger, but went back to removing the wing after that. I don't think I would have the patience or dexterity to do it without now!

If you need to use the car now and want to do the core when you have more time, you can bypass the matrix by connecting the two hoses together.

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