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Trevor Pickering
Frequent User
Username: commander1

Post Number: 75
Registered: 6-2012
Posted on Wednesday, 17 October, 2018 - 22:57:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

G'day all
I have just returned from a 3100 mile trip in my Cloud 111 through France and Spain with only a couple of small problems.
On the first day in France en route to Le Mans and in pouring rain the wipers packed up!
No amount of coaxing would get them going but Rainex saved the day and we managed to continue.
Just stripped the motor down and the brushes had worn away to noting and the brush holder and been resting on the armature and had also worn through and was sitting in the bottom of the motor.
Now waiting for new parts to rebuild it.
Horns also packed up and have also just removed them and emptied out the water!!!!! and now rebuilding them as well.
We only used 1 ltr. of engine oil for the trip so very happy with that and have just changed the oil in engine and rear axle again.
What a wonderful car the Cloud is for touring in,quite and comfortable and plenty of power that easily copes with four people and a full load of luggage.

Trevor Pickering
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Christian S. Hansen
Grand Master
Username: enquiring_mind

Post Number: 950
Registered: 4-2015
Posted on Friday, 19 October, 2018 - 06:45:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Glad to hear you had a pleasant tour but for the relatively minor annoyances. I find the Silver Cloud to be the pinnacle of 50+ years of development of the Rolls-Royce chassis. Classic motoring at its finest.

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Paul Yorke
Grand Master
Username: paul_yorke

Post Number: 2074
Registered: 6-2006
Posted on Friday, 19 October, 2018 - 07:47:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Sounds like a lovely trip Trevor.

Thankfully only a couple of minor problems :-)

Always good to have a travel tale.

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