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Grassetto Eugenio
New User Username: grassetto
Post Number: 6 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Sunday, 10 June, 2012 - 03:58: |    |
Hello, my S2 engine has a new noice, a strong tic tic. My technician said it's a valve clearance to be adjusted, but the noice is very loud, might it be a chain tensioner? Or something else? Eugenio |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 1393 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 10 June, 2012 - 05:54: |    |
Grassetto/ Your engines' valve settings are not adjustable. From your description the most likely source of the noise is a collapsed cam follower. |
Grassetto Eugenio
New User Username: grassetto
Post Number: 9 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Sunday, 10 June, 2012 - 08:21: |    |
Hi Bill, I tried to find the part on the part catalog to understand which part do you mean, but I don't find the cam follower. What do you mean the valve washer, the valve rocker, the valve tapped or something else ? |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 1394 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 10 June, 2012 - 10:01: |    |
G/ The correct name for RR's I believe is Assembly Hydraulic Valve Lifter. Have a look at the Spare Parts Manual in the Technical Library under the engine section and then camshaft valves etc. Funny, I was in Venice a week ago!! |
Grassetto Eugenio
New User Username: grassetto
Post Number: 10 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Sunday, 10 June, 2012 - 16:26: |    |
Hi Bill, I tried to find the part on the part catalog to understand which part do you mean, but I don't find the cam follower. What do you mean the valve washer, the valve rocker, the valve tapped or something else ? |
Grassetto Eugenio
Experienced User Username: grassetto
Post Number: 11 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Sunday, 10 June, 2012 - 16:36: |    |
Hi Bill, I tried but I couldn' find the part you mentioned, there is the tappet, the push rod, the rocket, the was her, the spring, the valve. Do you thing I can run the car anyway or it's better to stop it soon.? How you have liked Venice? Ciao Eugenio |
Brian Vogel
Frequent User Username: guyslp
Post Number: 78 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Monday, 11 June, 2012 - 09:31: |    |
Eugenio, See the the S2 Spare Parts Manual, Engine Section on page 9 of the PDF file. See the sequence of items numbered between 25 and 30. I believe this collection of items is what is generally termed a cam follower assembly/valve lifter assembly (it just depends on you're focusing at the lower end [cam follower] or upper end [valve lifter]). You can also see it repeated again, but with emphasis on other things, in the items collectively numbered 31, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 & 17. Brian |
Paul Yorke
Grand Master Username: paul_yorke
Post Number: 849 Registered: 6-2006
| Posted on Monday, 11 June, 2012 - 19:59: |    |
Hi Eugenio, Before stripping things . . .. Has the oil & filter been changed regularly? Once a year or 6000 miles - whichever is SOONEST. What oil is being used? Too thin an oil can show up weak hydraulic tappets / lifters. (I like a 15/40 in the older engines) Often a pre oil change flush & oil change can help if it is just a little dirt or gum in the lifter valve seat. Also look at exhaust manifolds or a loose spark plug if the ticking is worse under load. Cheers, Paul. |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 1395 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, 12 June, 2012 - 12:04: |    |
I just remembered that I did an article on cam followers also known as tappets also known as hydraulic valve lifters, in Tee One Topics Issue 90 page 1217 which is in the Technical Library. Its all there. BBC |
Grassetto Eugenio
Experienced User Username: grassetto
Post Number: 12 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Wednesday, 13 June, 2012 - 06:37: |    |
Dears, I thank'you for your interst in my topic, when I run faster I don't hear the noise anymore, it'is clear at idle or slow,speed. I have also noticed that my oil is very liquid, I mean it's low density as Petrol were mixed in. The oil is an oil for old engines . |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 1396 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, 13 June, 2012 - 17:54: |    |
Grassetto. My Italian is not anywhere as good as your English, but see iof the following makes sense? BBC Se non si conosce la storia del servizio auto vi suggerisco prima asciugare il carter motore e pulire il filtro dell'olio motore. È essenziale che l'olio del motore è filtrata per evitare l'intasamento delle valvole in sollevatori idraulici. Se non si blocchi generalmente sbattono. Le prime vetture S2 aveva un peculiare cartuccia filtro olio composto di un metallo bobina coperto da una calza feltro. Ho visto le auto che la cartuccia è stata lasciata in così lungo che si è disintegrata!! |
Grassetto Eugenio
Experienced User Username: grassetto
Post Number: 14 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Thursday, 14 June, 2012 - 05:27: |    |
Dear Bill congratulation for your Italian, why don't you come around and fix my Bentley it's a small trip. I invite you to the best restaurant. In Venice which as you know is not reachable by Bentley . If I 've understood well if I change oil and filter likely I fix my problem. I have read the tee one issue and I've learnt how automatic valve clearance works. |