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Harvey R Berquist
Yet to post message
Username: velovenom

Post Number: 1
Registered: 09-2024
Posted on Sunday, 15 September, 2024 - 00:10:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

2 months ago I pressed the clutch & slipped into all gears. NOW all I get is gear grinding when trying to engage any gear. I removed the bottom cover under the flywheel/clutch & with the clutch pedal depressed, I can slide a hacksaw blade up between the flywheel & the clutch face so no contact is being made but a peek under the car shows the clutch rotating with the flywheel. WHAT is not releasing????velovenom
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Jeff Martin
Frequent User
Username: jeff_r_1

Post Number: 695
Registered: 07-2018
Posted on Sunday, 15 September, 2024 - 04:00:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

The pilot bearing on the end of the crank shaft sounds seized on the transmissions input shaft.

That bearing is lubricated from the Bijur oil pump, failure to periodically operate it's pedal will cause the bearing to seize up, or at the very least, become very noisy and squealy.

What is the car, MK VI, R-type...?
What year is it, and engine displacement ?
Some like the VIN number posted as well.

There will be an oil line from the oiling system that goes directly into the bell housing, disconnect that line and press the pedal on the pump to make sure there is oil coming out.
No oil means a plugged line or drip plug failure, or both.

If there is oil, connect the line back up, and pump oil to the bearing, be liberal here.
Wait for 1/2 hour and repeat this process.
After all of this...
This also assumes that the line inside the bell housing is not damaged and the cup that sits on top of the release bearing is lined up with the internal bell housing line so the cup can receive oil.
There is also a small hole in the cup that allows oil to get to the bearing, this can become clogged with dirt from lack of use from the Bijur system.

Now, on the switch box, turn the car to "ON", but DO NOT TURN THE IGNITION TO "ON".
Put the car in 4th gear and with a friend depress the clutch pedal and gently rock the car back and forth to loosen the bearing.

You can also use the hand crank to try and free up the bearing _ be sure that the park brake is on. (you may want to remove the spark plugs so it can be turned over a little easier)
At this point I would not use the starter just yet to free up the bearing.
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Unregistered guest
Posted From:
Posted on Sunday, 15 September, 2024 - 03:47:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Perhaps the clutch plate boss is sticking on the input shaft splines, rust?

(Message approved by david_gore)

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