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Hugh Morrow Yet to post message Username: iconic
Post Number: 1 Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 12 February, 2004 - 07:59: |    |
As a newcomer to the world of restoration, maintenance and care for an old car, one of the big challenges that I face is getting detailed technical information on the vehicle. Obviously existing owners are an absolute font of knowledge and so far have been very generous with their time, and for that I thank you. However I can't help but think that it might be useful to compile the knowledge that exists into a format that is both easier to access and permanent in nature. For example it would be relatively simple to make copies of the important manuals available online. In addition a database of parts suppliers and workarounds might be useful. Any thoughts, interest ...? |
David Gore Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 199 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 12 February, 2004 - 13:31: |    |
Hugh, About 18 months ago, a group of like-minded technical enthusiasts tried to establish an international technical archive for the reasons you give. Unfortunately, this project collapsed due to a lack of support from the UK and US R-R/B Clubs [I personally suspect this was to protect their members-only forums and membership fees from overseas residents whereas the international archive would have been accessible to all club members regardless of which Club they belonged to.] This obviously was an idea before its time however it will happen as more computer-literate and "hands-on" owners join the Clubs and appreciate the benefits from an archive of this type. |
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Thursday, 12 February, 2004 - 16:30: |    |
I fully support this suggestion, for lack off information often results in poor maintenance, or worse, ignorant maintenance of cars. The bigger picture here is that if the information were more freely available more people would consider buying RR’s, for they would feel more comfortable about maintaining them. I think that we are losing many cars due to poor maintenance, which is a pity when you consider the relatively low numbers in which these cars were produced. Regards KC
Bill Coburn Grand Master Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 107 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 12 February, 2004 - 17:02: |    |
The paucity of information on these cars must I am afraid be sheeted home to the Factory. They carefully controlled all their printed material so that only dealers had access to it. This was to protect the dealers interests which is understandable. But then they had the effrontery to publically claim that more than half the Rolls-Royces ever made are still on the road - not through their efforts I would retort. In days of yore I have written to the factory to ask how to do something on my Silver Dawn and would get a very sketchy reply, always with the suggestion that if there was a problem please to visit your local Rolls-Royce Representative. This policy was moved into the e-World when everything was published on CD. These not only had a most elaborate security system, dealers were required to return the old disks to the Factory or suffer a $1000 fine! Well all this has been screwed in the modern colloquial sense and virtually all that you need to know has now been pirated and is available to anyone for a small sum. This web site you might note is peopled by people with a lot of experience and who are generous with their advice. At least three contributors never hesitate to send scanned pages of technical material to anyone who wants it. But they draw the line at the occasional entrant who says I want to restore my Phantom VI - please send me everything on this model car or my car does not run very well what should I do. Help starts at home and owners should realise that maintenance and restoration takes a lot of research. |
john mcquay
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Saturday, 14 February, 2004 - 20:49: |    |
I have found the cd produced from the old factory records to be a major source of information and for 20hp I have received great help from members of RREC. |
Graeme Söderlund Frequent User Username: graemeaus
Post Number: 25 Registered: 6-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, 17 February, 2004 - 17:30: |    |
John, speaking as a Twenty owner from way back beyond the days of the Internet, I would like to advise that there are many Members around who have all the information required to strip & re-build any Twenty. As a group, there were Members who built bodies, others that overhauled engines and chassis, those who carried out restoration of electrical systems, upholstery etc. and all information was and is passed on in the hope that another of these fine cars will continue to grace the roads. I am sure if you have a problem, the answer will be forthcoming from this site. It is only a matter of asking and there will be any number of people willing to offer advice or help. For example, way back in the days of my ownership of a Twenty, I needed to restore the finish to the bakelite knobs, switches and controls as well as the fuse box. These had suffered badly from the heat and I learned from an older Member that judicious use of Repo Cream polish, applied heavily several times during the week and allowed to soak in, would produce an almost identical sheen to that which originally graced these items, when buffed with a soft cloth. Give it a try - you will be amazed at the result. Graeme Soderlund |