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John Rowney
Experienced User Username: johnrowney
Post Number: 30 Registered: 2-2015
| Posted on Tuesday, 06 March, 2018 - 20:21: |    |
Peter Jordan-Hill and myself have been corresponding regularly over the last few days about external oil filters on our Wraiths. Peter's Wraith WRB60 has an original oil filter fitted to the A and B Wraith models. Photos of his filter in and out of the vehicle are given below, plus details of the supporting band which states that the filter requires full replacement after 10,000 miles.
My Wraith, WXA68 has a completely different external filter as shown in the photo below.
Peter's problem is that his filter is a completely replaceable filter, and he is unable to find any such replacement. Does anyone know where he can obtain a replacement? From the C series Wraith onwards, the external oil filter was replaced by a "General" oil filter with renewable element. See Tom C Clarke's book "The Rolls-Royce "Wraith"" p163. The drawings on the CD of General Arrangement drawings produced by the Sir Henry Royce Foundation in Australia illustrates this change. The oil filter housing shown in the later editions of the Wraith handbook, and in the revised filter in the CD appear to be almost similar to the external oil filters in the Bentley Mk VI and other later vehicles. The filter for my Wraith, WXA68, appears to have the old tag requiring replacement of the entire filter every 10,000 miles. This suggests that the tag was removed from the original band around the filter and put on the new filter. However, WXA68's filter does not have a clamp on the top as per the "General" Oil filter. It would appear that my filter is from another vehicle entirely. Has anyone any suggestions to where this comes from. My filter has been modified internally to take a full flow element from a Bentley Mk VI, which can be readily obtained. Peter's problem is a little more difficult. Any comments to help either of us would be most welcome. I am sure Peter would love to be able to obtain an original Wraith oil filter and retain his Wraith in its original configuration, without having to get a non-genuine part. . |
John Rowney
Experienced User Username: johnrowney
Post Number: 32 Registered: 2-2015
| Posted on Wednesday, 14 March, 2018 - 04:44: |    |
Peter has now ordered a replacement filter for his Wraith from Design Development Engineering Ltd in the UK. Tom Clarke had sent me an email suggesting that the filter number we were looking for was a ZS1. Further searching found the replacement filter which has a replaceable element. Problem solved. The ebay site is as follows. My filter uses the Bentley Mk VI filter element no RH2765P obtainable from NBS Services in Brisbane or from Flying Spares. I found out that the alternative filter RH2765C does not fit my particular housing. I still don't know the origin of my particular filter housing, but it doesn't matter all that much. Maybe someone will be able to identify it sometime. |
christopher carnley
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Wednesday, 14 March, 2018 - 06:31: |    |
John, If you have a handbook consult the left hand engine diagram. You would be a lot better off introducing a full flow filter into the main gallery pipe "C". Remove the useless by-pass filter and remake the pipe up to the rockers. It has been proved that a full flow filter will double the mileage to overhaul. I will show you the ones that I use on the Derby Bentley,s.
(Message approved by david_gore) |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 2841 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 15 March, 2018 - 08:57: |    |
Christopher Carnley has forwarded the photograph below with the following comment: "This is my full flow filter on the Derby Bentley. I have made them and installed on the Wraith, but made with easily obtained propriety products and spin off canisters. Perhaps you could show this to Mr Rowney." As always, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Thank you Christopher.
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Christian S. Hansen
Grand Master Username: enquiring_mind
Post Number: 755 Registered: 4-2015
| Posted on Thursday, 15 March, 2018 - 10:45: |    |
Christopher.... Very Nice. Could you send a few more photos of the left side and also showing in more detail where the lines are connected to the engine? Also, do you make up kits, or can you reveal which easily obtained proprietary parts? I need all my cars set up with such external filters, one way or the other. . |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 2842 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 15 March, 2018 - 11:50: |    |
Christian, Here are some cropped images from the original high-resolution image Chris provided, hope these are of interest:
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John Rowney
Experienced User Username: johnrowney
Post Number: 33 Registered: 2-2015
| Posted on Thursday, 15 March, 2018 - 14:36: |    |
Hi Christopher and David. Many thanks for your information. I was looking for the exact filter shown in the handbook, although it is for a C type Wraith. The only reason I wanted it was to replace the existing housing. My "Brand X" housing has approximately the same dimensions as the one in the handbook (the "General" housing) and the piping inlet and outlet locations are correct. I have a full flow filter on my Bentley Mk VI Special, B25KL which is easy to replace, so I know the benefits. I service the Wraith every year (about 3 to 5k miles in a good year with luck), so I am loathe to do any more work, which may be more practical, but would be further away from the original configuration. I don't think there would be any advantage of completely different full flow filter, particularly since I get zero deposits in the suction filter and there does not appear to be any significant amount of gunk in the by-pass filter when I renew it. Peter is aiming to get his new oil filter installed in a couple of weeks. We will let everyone know the outcome. |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 2845 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, 16 March, 2018 - 09:19: |    |
Another photo from Chris: "An early one on a CR Series Derby Bentley 3 1/2 litre. Made up from proprietory parts and existing pipes. Note the new high capacity oil pump for the double drilled crankshaft, and the shop made straight connectors on the oil pipe extensions. Flexolite had no filter heads for the replaceable element type as they had supplied them all to Will Fiennes."
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