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Vladimir Ivanovich Kirillov
Grand Master Username: soviet
Post Number: 992 Registered: 2-2013
| Posted on Thursday, 28 June, 2018 - 09:00: |    |
The London lads have proved that they still have a fine sense of humour. Mr Trump is going to fly over London in angry baby form with diapers. Bloody hilarious. But then a President of the USA that shakes hands with a tin pot dictator like Kim Jong Un who tortures and murders his own people and relatives well what do you call that? Trumpy obviously thinks he is still doing comedy in reality tv. He says the Korean nuke threat is solved. It isn't and its going to get a lot lot worse before he knows it. Chamberlain appeased Hitler and got the Second World War cranking. A lesson not learnt obviously. |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 2953 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 28 June, 2018 - 10:25: |    |
"Chamberlain appeased Hitler and got the Second World War cranking. A lesson not learnt obviously." How true and a reminder to us all about the old proverb "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". I do not think Trump would remember his school history lessons although world history has not been a big part of the US school curriculum given my experience meeting and talking with a wide range of citizens during my visits to the USA. I found most of them to be very insular with little knowledge of what happens now or has happened in the past in the world beyond the US borders. In my opinion, this is a direct consequence of the intense politicisation of the US media with wealthy owners intent on controlling/influencing the political process. This has the consequence that alternative/opposing points of view rarely reach a large proportion of the population due to media bias. One benefit from my school experience where local and world history was compulsory up to Year 3 high school was that we had a better than average understanding of the causes and consequences of world events throughout the ages. . |
Vladimir Ivanovich Kirillov
Grand Master Username: soviet
Post Number: 1018 Registered: 2-2013
| Posted on Sunday, 08 July, 2018 - 07:31: |    |
Just wondering how much more dribble is going to fall from Trump's mouth before he realises North Korea has zero intentions on giving up its nukes. North Korean media has just accused the US of acting like gangsters in the highly touted denuclearization talks. What a joke! It's bad enough knowing this super rich nutbag of a US President had appointed loon evangelical super right wing nutters like the Attorney General who quotes the bible of all things when tearing the kiddies away from illegal immigrant parents on the Mexican border. Trump's trip cost to Singapore to chat with Kim cost the US taxpayer millions that would have gone better helping the very needy homeless living harsh on the streets of America. Kim is a cold as Siberian ice murderer and torturer of his own people. He is never going to dance to Trump's lyrics or beat. Kim is the type of dictator who needs to be torn to bloody little pieces by his own people. The sanctions must be increased until the population explodes: There is no other solution. Trump will eventually go down as the worst US President in human history and he will go down as a conniving swine Looney with no equal. |
Christian S. Hansen
Grand Master Username: enquiring_mind
Post Number: 817 Registered: 4-2015
| Posted on Sunday, 08 July, 2018 - 15:31: |    |
I suspect that those complaining about children being separated from illegal border jumping patents are probably the same ones who howled grievously during the Clinton administration that it was cruel and inhumane to incarcerate the children in the company with their scofflaw illegal immigrant parents...and won in court!! Thus the law was amended to MANDATE that the children be separated/not incarcerated...which in today's complaining manner constitutes "tearing them from the arms of their parents". Really it is simply enforcing the laws as mandated and amended by the complainers of the recent but still forgotten past. REMEMBER: Entering a country illegally does not create an immigrant any more than breaking into a house makes you a member of the family. . |
Larry Kavanagh
Prolific User Username: shadow_11
Post Number: 189 Registered: 5-2016
| Posted on Sunday, 08 July, 2018 - 20:18: |    |
In that case Christian the North American Continent belongs to the various indigenous Indian tribes who occupied those lands prior to the illegal invasion. |
Christian S. Hansen
Grand Master Username: enquiring_mind
Post Number: 818 Registered: 4-2015
| Posted on Monday, 09 July, 2018 - 04:21: |    |
That theory would apply basically everywhere in the world since antiquity and don't forget that the Anglo-Saxons were not the indigenous inhabitants of current day England either, but invaded from the continent. In any event the argument is irrelevant in terms of the current issues regarding immigration. |
Larry Kavanagh
Prolific User Username: shadow_11
Post Number: 190 Registered: 5-2016
| Posted on Monday, 09 July, 2018 - 07:02: |    |
All historical issues were current issues at one point in time. |
Christian S. Hansen
Grand Master Username: enquiring_mind
Post Number: 820 Registered: 4-2015
| Posted on Monday, 09 July, 2018 - 07:36: |    |
Water under the bridge and irrelevant. Do you suppose that the indigenous residents posted "no trespassing" signs or directions to the nearest port of entry? What codified laws made the colonists' entry "illegal"? . |
Larry Kavanagh
Prolific User Username: shadow_11
Post Number: 191 Registered: 5-2016
| Posted on Monday, 09 July, 2018 - 08:17: |    |
Laws are made by the powerful to protect their interests and their wealth. Might isn't always right. What codified laws made the colonists' entry legal? Everything becomes water under the bridge eventually. |
Vladimir Ivanovich Kirillov
Grand Master Username: soviet
Post Number: 1019 Registered: 2-2013
| Posted on Monday, 09 July, 2018 - 08:23: |    |
Christian you have raised a very good point and indeed I see your point. My point is Trump is a conniving opportunist. You did see how quickly he back flipped on the separation of the kiddies after 4 previous first ladies of the USA voiced their concerns over the separations. Separating kids from parents does long term mental damage to innocent kiddies and I say America is better than that. The loot the USA has spent on the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars could have been spent helping raise the standard of living in the countries from where the parents of these kiddies come from. Then you would not have so many people attempting to flee over what has to be an insanely dangerous border it being dangerous because of the nutty war on drugs which along with the three aforesaid wars is also a total failure. These people are humans not crows. The USA holds itself out internationally as being a free humane society and therefore it should show kindness to people who fled their countries in fear of their lives. Its a complex problem for the USA. Basically, you need another President fast. |
Brian Vogel
Grand Master Username: guyslp
Post Number: 2586 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Monday, 09 July, 2018 - 08:40: |    |
Vladimir wrote, in part, "Basically, you need another President fast." Too little, too late. The rest of the world now knows that the American electorate cannot be counted upon to eschew demagoguery "when the chips are down" and are, instead, rushing to embrace it. Even if Trump were to be removed from office tomorrow, the damage, if indeed it can be undone, will take much longer than several generations to be as undone as it can get. If, God forbid, the nation does not roundly reject Trump and Trumpism as it has the Tea Party, which was all the rage in 2010-2011, and every bit as morally and intellectually bankrupt, the republic will not survive such that the American Experiment remains intact. Brian |
Christian S. Hansen
Grand Master Username: enquiring_mind
Post Number: 822 Registered: 4-2015
| Posted on Monday, 09 July, 2018 - 09:58: |    |
For there to be any chance that the electorate will overturn Trumpism, then the Democratic Party has only a few months left to come up with a better platform. So far the most they have is: 1) We hate Trump, and 2) We love illegal immigrants, and 3) We hate Trump. Vladimir is however correct that the various Imperial Wars have been a complete waste of money that could have been better spent. How it should have or could have been spent is another contentious point, but still it was a waste, not to mention the lives. . |
Vladimir Ivanovich Kirillov
Grand Master Username: soviet
Post Number: 1037 Registered: 2-2013
| Posted on Wednesday, 18 July, 2018 - 08:44: |    |
Oh I get it now Trump speaks with forked tongue and you never know really what he means. It was not the Russians but that actually means it was the Russians. Cripes and golly, this time they may just have a president more brain dead than Reagan! |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 2980 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, 18 July, 2018 - 09:04: |    |
This cartoon from yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald sums up the situation:
. |
Brian Vogel
Grand Master Username: guyslp
Post Number: 2588 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, 18 July, 2018 - 09:17: |    |
Vladimir wrote, in part: ". . . this time they may just have a president more brain dead than Reagan!" Not "may just," but "unquestionably." Reagan was smart enough to listen to expert opinion to avoid looking the fool. He was capable of sticking to script and knowing that he did not know quite a bit. His choice of advisors were corruption personified, though. I was always amazed at just how true the moniker, "The Teflon President," was with regard to Reagan. Nothing stuck regardless of how often s*it happened. The Reagan Revolution was the first step on the road to where we are now. That was the era where the GOP began inviting all the fringe elements back in that had taken decades of serious work to push to the fringes where they belonged. They run the party now, with entirely predictable results. |
Christian S. Hansen
Grand Master Username: enquiring_mind
Post Number: 838 Registered: 4-2015
| Posted on Wednesday, 18 July, 2018 - 15:22: |    |
Fellows... Enjoy the moment and your gloating, as I know you are. It certainly was an awkward event, no doubt. Lost opportunity. It is my own observation that it is human nature to always think that you are better than someone else and my advice to nephews and others regarding table manners, business protocol, dress, slang speech, spelling, et cetera is to do things correctly and properly otherwise you are simply making it too easy for someone else to think they are better than you. This was a text book classic example of making it too easy. Sheesh... P.S. It was my impression that actually Bill Clinton was "The Teflon President", the Lewinsky episode and the definition of "is" not withstanding. Out of curiosity I googled it and apparently it fit both. Bush and Obama have been included as well. Basically everyone recently. Pretty well dilutes the moniker I guess. . |
Omar M. Shams
Grand Master Username: omar
Post Number: 1609 Registered: 4-2009
| Posted on Thursday, 19 July, 2018 - 05:13: |    |
nice pun there at the end Christian...... |
Vladimir Ivanovich Kirillov
Grand Master Username: soviet
Post Number: 1038 Registered: 2-2013
| Posted on Thursday, 19 July, 2018 - 07:00: |    |
Christian and Omar, During the Bill Clinton and Monica debacle, the largest Chocolate Factory in Europe which is in my town of Samara Russia brought out a new chocolate for the kiddies called Monica. It sold well....Just saying... |
Christian S. Hansen
Grand Master Username: enquiring_mind
Post Number: 842 Registered: 4-2015
| Posted on Thursday, 19 July, 2018 - 09:00: |    |
Did it have a white cream confection inside? |
Vladimir Ivanovich Kirillov
Grand Master Username: soviet
Post Number: 1039 Registered: 2-2013
| Posted on Thursday, 19 July, 2018 - 09:57: |    |
Hilarious Christian,however, I was only told about the Monika chocolate by my brother who was a huge lover of Margret Bloody Thatcher. The joke about Clinton was hinged on the Russian people's firm belief that what any President does with his pecker is not something the media should be interested in. So it was more a stab at the Western media than anyone else. The only chocolate I ate was called UUOK. Means shock! If you merge the two U together to make cryllic letter Sha. In Russia its always something like the President is meant to be a raving sex manic because being a raving sex manic is considered natural. |
Trevor Pickering
Frequent User Username: commander1
Post Number: 54 Registered: 6-2012
| Posted on Thursday, 19 July, 2018 - 16:17: |    |
Clinton was a very generous guy. He was always "splashing out" on new dresses for Monica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Omar M. Shams
Grand Master Username: omar
Post Number: 1612 Registered: 4-2009
| Posted on Friday, 20 July, 2018 - 04:56: |    |
hahahahahahahahahahah |