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Australian RR Forums » Idler Chatter » Archive to 2017 » The gimp has left the hidden chamber (panama) « Previous Next »

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Vladimir Ivanovich Kirillov
Grand Master
Username: soviet

Post Number: 454
Registered: 2-2013
Posted on Thursday, 07 April, 2016 - 12:19:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hoorah hoorah the westen media had come up with a new story at last (other than scandal type sex gossip)

In this sorry saga you have in a way Icelandic Chinese North Korean English and should I dare say it American business people all caught in one massive orgy of avoiding the tax man and other appointed watchdogs.

Why? Because some scoundrel blew the lid off the secret tin

But this is really not much of a story. Unless the tax commissioners in every western nation are total dumbies the real naughty boys behind this entire sad caper are not a swiss and panamanian legal team but are definately the politicans in both opposing political parties in each western nation.

Yes they could have passed laws decades ago that basically stated if a foreign company wants to do business in the west and its a holding company in any country that has secrecy provisions to avoid the names of the directors being know with100 percent certainty then the tax commissioner must conclude that no good is the reason and then value the company doing business and pluck totally crazy tax bill up basically financially crucifying any company however remotely connected to the strange overseas registered company.

And for an extra giggle I pass on the gossip that the chinese censor has been deleting social media comments about this matter. Gee I wonder why they would do that.

My bet is this juicy little caper will remove the present smiling Cheshire cat from the PMs office in OZ in the next election as certain as the DPRK is as democratic as an outback bull ant's nest. Workers carry more votes than businessmen - let the political bloodletting begin - the conservatives are croaked yet again!!!
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 1962
Registered: 4-2003
Posted on Thursday, 07 April, 2016 - 16:58:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Remember the curse "may you live in interesting times"?

Somehow I suspect "interesting times" may well be evident in the immediate future - of course, we will be mere observers rather than participants.

The contortions and blame games arising from the leaked information will be extremely interesting and informative as will be the details of the participants. This is one time being able to sleep soundly at night without fearing a knock on the door for past misdeeds will be a great relief.