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Robert Noel Reddington
Prolific User Username: bob_uk
Post Number: 111 Registered: 5-2015
| Posted on Sunday, 14 June, 2015 - 05:00: |    |
A young local guy has started up in a small way collecting scrap metal. So I left some junk out for him and he took a sun shade and then sold it to a bloke down the road for a fiver. Its stuff like this that gives the scrap business a bad name. I will give him his due when I phoned him he came back with the sun shade. I explained that he needs to keep people sweet. Its amazing how much scrap is lying around. I am happy to give it away. Once locals know he around they will dig out the junk and give the lad a chance of building up a business. But it must be all legal with permits etc which he has. Getting mixed up ( the benefit of doubt) and taking stuff he shouldnt may cause loss of permit. One local firm started the same 40 years ago and the guy is a multi millionaire. I dismantle white goods such as washing machines I have a large amount of screws. I then pile the metal bits up and the plastic goes in the recycle bin. We in Bournemouth are about to be charged £5 to dump stuff at the tip. Rumour. |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 1645 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 14 June, 2015 - 08:16: |    |
Bob, it is an interesting experience to go to a farm clearing sale or an engineering workshop liquidation auction and see the prices that are paid for the containers of nuts, bolts,screws and washers kept from past repairs/replacements. They are worth a lot of money because they allow a job to be finished quickly if an odd fastener is needed and not kept in stock at the shop, a rummage through the container invariably results in finding something that can be used or cut down. Five pounds tip fee is a bargain by NSW standards, just be aware the fee is set low to get people used to paying a fee then it escalates rapidly especially if governments see it as a revenue source. The NSW Government imposes a waste levy of $133 per tonne in metropolitan areas and $76 per tonne in country areas and you also have to pay the operator's gate fees to dump waste. No wonder we have a problem with "midnight dumpers" illegally dumping waste. In many cases, this is by the truckload with number plates obscured so they cannot be identified from nearby business surveillance camera records. |
Robert Noel Reddington
Prolific User Username: bob_uk
Post Number: 112 Registered: 5-2015
| Posted on Sunday, 14 June, 2015 - 09:18: |    |
Fly tipping is a huge problem. It costs loads to clean up. We have said many times that charging for diy waste is bound to lead to more fly tipping. Hence why we are encouraging this lad. Although metal not the problem. Its rubble and other stuff that doesn't decompose. Paper and cardboard decompose. He only takes metal. Fly tipping attracts huge fines. A local farmer caught a fly tipper and the guy got £5000 fine plus civil penalties of £20,000 plus. The fly tipper dumped rubble in a field used for live stock. The police examine fly tipped stuff and quite often trace it back. I am vigilant in my local patch and will phone the cops if I catch anybody. All my builder mates add waste disposal in the estimates. The worst offenders are the Irish caravan club. I have Irish cousins who are appalled at their country men doing bad things. Most Irish people in the UK are well behaved. Its a small minority who take the *iss. I saw an interview with an Irish Traveller and hes in a wood and he can't see why people are upset because he has old car parts leaking oil in the woods. Again I must emphasise that Irish people are appalled by the caravan club. And also some are English. |
Jan Forrest
Grand Master Username: got_one
Post Number: 815 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Thursday, 18 June, 2015 - 00:30: |    |
I would love to applaud the work ethic of someone helping to clear up scrap, but I can't. I've had many items stolen by such pikeys if stored on my back garden (my old shed - since replaced with a much larger one - was too crowded to fit them in). Despite being hidden from view I had a full set (OK, 2 half sets) of Rover alloys vanish. Since I couldn't find 2 of either pattern to complete a set it's cost me £100 for a used set of 4 and another £120 for new tyres to fit. Money that would have been better spent on my Shadow! |
Randy Roberson
Grand Master Username: wascator
Post Number: 446 Registered: 5-2009
| Posted on Thursday, 18 June, 2015 - 03:41: |    |
It's a perfect cover for looking for something to steal; sure enough. We call it 'casing'. Government is going to find anything you need and tax it or figure out some way to get money out of it. Government of the people, but not by nor for the people. |
Robert Noel Reddington
Prolific User Username: bob_uk
Post Number: 175 Registered: 5-2015
| Posted on Wednesday, 24 June, 2015 - 10:33: |    |
Casing the joint. Is what we call it. The caravan club will just wander in and when challenged - I am looking for John sort of thing- meanwhile the other one is trying to look through the gap in the garage doors. Then my kitchen window. The dog puts them off plus in my kitchen in full view is CCTV. Then they spot the cameras. If a door is open they will just walk in. If its closed and not locked they knock and if no answer the go in. Corner them and they get violent and later the rest of them are likely to visit. I deal with them with polite firmness. I guess every country in the world has people like this. We have to put up with this because of the European Human Rights. The word rights should be changed to privileges. You are born with full privileges. If you do unlawful things then we take privileges away. The only rights you have are air to breathe and water to drink and food to eat. It would fit in quiet nicely with UK consitition and law. The bleeding heart liberals and the BBC go on about multicultural society. It works if the differences are small. But when one culture is continually breaking law and stealing from the other cultures then the gap is so big that it can never work. They bullshit about not being able to tolerate bricks and motar and houses. Then illegal build houses on green belt land. A prerequisite of travelling is travelling. The fiddle tax. If we build a caravan park for them they will rip the copper out of the toilets and showers and sell it. They cost me the tax payer lots of money. When they finally go we find turds in the bushes dirty nappies builders rubble and even dead dogs. They invaded Red Hill Park in Bournemouth and the kids on holiday couldn't go to the paddling pool because they put broken glass in it. Apart from that they are the salt of the earth. |
Geoff Wootton
Grand Master Username: dounraey
Post Number: 788 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Wednesday, 24 June, 2015 - 14:17: |    |
Bob, Is it really getting that bad in the UK? I know you live in a nice part of the country, so I'm surprised to hear this. I've been away from the UK for 11 years now and read about this kind of thing in the online UK newspapers. Admittedly, one of them is the Daily Mail, but I also read the Guardian and BBC news website. Is it just the case the newspapers focus on the problems, which tends to amplify them, giving a false picture when you are not actually living there. The things I read about are overcrowding, cultural tensions, pressure on infrastructure, to name but a few. It sometimes seems if I returned to the UK I would hardly recognize the place. What's the real picture. Geoff |
Jan Forrest
Grand Master Username: got_one
Post Number: 822 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, 24 June, 2015 - 21:53: |    |
The concept of what you can or can't do when confronted by an intruder in your home has changed and changed again in recent years. Time was that anything was permissible in such circumstances. Then you couldn't touch them unless they attacked you with violence. Then you could only call the police. Now you can retaliate, but only 'proportionally'. If you want to come 'home', Geoff, then please do so. All countries are heading down the way of the Nanny State where only the police have the right to possess or carry arms or use force when apprehending a criminal. Overcrowding in the UK is still a problem for the far future, but there are some tensions caused by a minority of immigrants and all White Supremacist idiots, but what's the difference compared to the Ozzie attitude to Whinging Poms? It's not as if it's our fault that you all claim that Australia is a Paradise in public, but then moan about how bad things have got in private. It could be worse, though. In America the cops will shoot you for asking the 'wrong' questions! |
Robert Noel Reddington
Prolific User Username: bob_uk
Post Number: 176 Registered: 5-2015
| Posted on Thursday, 25 June, 2015 - 06:00: |    |
The Daily Mail simply makes stuff up. They are very irresponsible and stir up the loony white supremacists. Some of the Asians don't help by sending their kids to only Asian activities. The kids then no nothing of western society. The young ones end up with distorted view. Overcrowding is an issue. The electricity water gas and sewer systems are just one aspect. The housing problems are because the government knows that a huge amount of money is in bricks and motar. If houses are built in large quantities the house prices will fall. Supply and demand rules. So the government drip feeds new houses. I am afraid that it has got that bad in Dorset. The Police keep it from kicking off. Every now and then there is an incident with the caravan club and the local lads. The caravan club are wary of the local lads because the locals out number them by huge amount. A few years back a farmer got the right hump and sprayed a caravan club site with slurry. The Police rather than nick the travellors try to move them on before serious trouble starts. Although fire arms are rare. We are talking about farmers and local nutcases. Some locals don't help by giving them work. I don't so they dont bother in my local. Illegal immigration into the UK is out of control. The government is saying that the long term solution is to help the country's from where the people came from so that the people want to stay. This upsets a lot of people who would rather we just get the army to protect our borders. This won't work. I think the government is right to help these countries out. I don't want to but the options aren't good. |
richard george yeaman
Grand Master Username: richyrich
Post Number: 322 Registered: 4-2012
| Posted on Thursday, 25 June, 2015 - 09:02: |    |
Hi earlier this week I received a metal detector that I bought last week from Germany I took it out earlier and in a few minutes not much more than fifteen I had dug out a bronze coloured key no rust and quite heavy the other and more interesting was a little metal tag that had been pop riveted onto something and had came off it was two and a quarter inches long by seven eighths and an inscription on it which read Use Only ESSO BLUE Paraffin We bought this Property in 1967 and I didn't have anything like that so it must be at least forty years old. Richard. |
richard george yeaman
Grand Master Username: richyrich
Post Number: 323 Registered: 4-2012
| Posted on Thursday, 25 June, 2015 - 09:11: |    |
Sorry we bought the Property in 1978 have to kep the facts right. |
Robert Noel Reddington
Prolific User Username: bob_uk
Post Number: 179 Registered: 5-2015
| Posted on Thursday, 25 June, 2015 - 10:24: |    |
The lads go down the beach with metal detector late evening when the beach goers have gone and find all the money they have dropped. One guy found £25 and change in an hour. They make at living from it. Its not really legal but the police don't bother because its differcult to prove a coin was actually stolen by finding. Watches they usually hand in because a casio digital watch is cheap used and covered in sand. once in a while it's ordinance and the army do onshore and the navy do offshore. A diver found a mine. I was on the cliff watching, the explosion was really loud. I felt it as well. 2 miles. I vaguely remember esso blue keys. I remember the TV ads Blue Blue Esso Blue. 1967 to 2015 is 48 years. ( pedantic ) Stuff like this does have collectors. Ebay it and see what happens reserve £1 plus post and packing. I have sold lots of bric a brac on ebay. Often with a £1 reserved and got 5 plus post and packing. Photo next to tape measure. Had one bad customer he didn't want to pay air freight so the vase went on a ship. Which took 3 weeks. He called the police and accused me of fraud. Trading standards told him to wait a month. The vase turned up in 22 days. The vase sold for £12 the trading standards said that the guy sčemed to think 12 quid was a lot of money and he upset the police in Greece and actually phone the UK and got abusive. Ebaying is fun. I just go through household clutter. I will buy a vase from help the aged for 50pence and ebay when I don't like it any more. Ceramics are always easy to sell. Don't buy expensive stuff I pay pennies and sell for more pennies. Every now and then I get a good tickle and a right good earner. West London way of talking. I told help the aged to try Ebay and they get tickles quite often. But they have an enormous amount of junk. The month before fixed events like father's day is a good time for stuff. Car wise the offers are always low. I use this to get shot of cars that are not worth much. It's easier both legally and customer base. I could get say £300 but ebay £200. The extra 100 may not even happen. 100 quid is in the scheme of cars spare change. I have got rid of a lump of metal from my yard and the buyer can't legally complain because its an auction and has different laws. Plus I have £200 I didnt have before. I describe any faults. I have found that telling people that the tail gate is rusty for instance attracts a certain type of buyer who appreciates my candor and is willing to pay a bit more for the car. Last one was £110 for my daughters clapped out fiesta. It went for spares. The inside was mint. The rest wss rusty. My youngest son buys expensive stuff and ebays it and makes a profit. But he spends ages studying the market. He worries me sometimes. He paid a 1000 quid for a camera and sold it for 1350. I breathed a sigh of relief. He sold a pair of trainers for £300. A local guy was selling dirty underwear Ebay stopped him. It takes all sorts to make the world. Ebay have loads of metal detectors. Neatly back to metal detectors. Dorset has rich pickings for metal detecting but also a lot of ordinance. |
Randy Roberson
Grand Master Username: wascator
Post Number: 462 Registered: 5-2009
| Posted on Thursday, 25 June, 2015 - 11:08: |    |
I've sold a few things on Ebay; amazing what will sell. It exposes the item offered to a lot of people. Illegal immigration in the US is also out of control. No telling what the government is spending on this, while telling lifelong citizens two things: there is not enough money; and stick 'em up (i.e. raising tax rates). The long-term solution is: who knows? There is unlimited demand for money and free stuff. The short-term solution: guard the border. |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 1659 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 25 June, 2015 - 15:31: |    |
Richard, My guess is the tag came off a fuel tank from a petrol/kerosine tractor. These dual fuel tractors were popular pre-WW2 due to their advantages over conventional petrol engines for farm use. You would start the engine on petrol and switch over to kerosine/paraffin once it had warmed up. These old tractors remained in use as cheap stationary engines for belt-driven hammer mills and pumps for a long time after WW2 and I remember seeing them being used in the 1960's on properties around Gloucester NSW. |
richard george yeaman
Grand Master Username: richyrich
Post Number: 324 Registered: 4-2012
| Posted on Thursday, 25 June, 2015 - 19:03: |    |
David I think you are on the right track I will have to look for the rest of the tractor or stationary engine. Richard. |
Geoff Wootton
Grand Master Username: dounraey
Post Number: 791 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Friday, 26 June, 2015 - 02:11: |    |
Bob_UK I have just read a BBC news article about a police raid on the south east Wales Chapter of the caravan club. They found 13 people being held against their will (8 poles, 3 Rumanians and 2 Brits) along with swords, machetes and a handgun, 1 Ferrari, a Range Rover and a very large amount of cash. I see what you mean. Not a nice bunch of people. In the UK, they will probably get a hundred pound fine each. In the US, they would probably have all been killed in the shootout. Geoff |
Jan Forrest
Grand Master Username: got_one
Post Number: 824 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, 01 July, 2015 - 20:51: |    |
RGY: The tractor in question was most probably a 'Little Grey Fergy'. It was the first of many offerings from the fledgeling Ferguson (later Massey-Ferguson) Company. It claimed many 'firsts'. It was the first tractor to use the safety 3-link system for ploughing. It was the first to be switchable from petrol to paraffin making it cheaper to run for the smallholder. It was the first capable of ploughing very tiny areas of land. Etc. As marketing hype they claimed you could plough a table top! At fairs/rallies etc. they often put on displays where owners show off how straight and even they can plough in ridiculously small roped off areas of land - less than 50 square yards. Geoff: There's a big difference between the Caravan Club and the 'caravan club'. The former is a club for caravanners who live in fixed homes and only holiday in their caravans. The latter is the Pikeys, Gyppo's, travellers, etc who wander the countryside living on what they can find (or steal) while moving on from place to place leaving messes behind that local councils have to clean up from local taxes. |
Randy Roberson
Grand Master Username: wascator
Post Number: 470 Registered: 5-2009
| Posted on Thursday, 02 July, 2015 - 00:45: |    |
The Little Grey Fergie was truly a Great One: I have one. They were made in Detroit as well as England. |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 1667 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 02 July, 2015 - 09:18: |    |
The Little Grey Fergie has a special place in Australian history during the 1956 Wentworth flood where a fleet of little grey fergies built levy banks to hold back the floodwaters over a perod of several months. After WW2, the Australian Government gave returned soldiers a plot of ground and a Fergie to work their farm and these were put to use to save the town: A true story was a group of locals shouted a little grey fergie a beer in the local pub for a job well done; I was told the beer was poured into the radiator and here is the photo to prove it actually happened:
A song was also written as a tribute to the fergie: Spent many hours on a Fergie in my teen-age years ploughing paddocks on my partner's parents' property near Gloucester NSW - wonderful machine especially the manouevrability. |
Robert Noel Reddington
Prolific User Username: bob_uk
Post Number: 220 Registered: 5-2015
| Posted on Thursday, 02 July, 2015 - 10:03: |    |
I like tractors. My son in law uses a big John Deere. Its even got climate control. He won't let me have a go. Insurance!? I saw a Fergie go for £2000 in running order. The bodywork was a bit battered. It drove OK. For a tractor that is. The fergie club go touring on fergies. 15mph. There's even a club for JCBs. Now there's a very handy tool. Pass the JCB test and do local stuff within 15 mile radius. Such as flipping over caravans that are trespassing. If one gets in with the local council then loads of work. The caravan club has descended on Bournemouth. The are up to their usual disgusting and disgraceful behaviour. I have my beady eyes on them along with the police and council officers. Get the Inland revenue and customs in, and they will disappear fast. I can explain where my money comes from. They can't without dropping themselves in it. The Customs have more or less unlimited powers. The Customs and Excise Officers can seize money and cars until they explain where the wealth came from. The only thing they ( the gypsys) can do is go to high court and explain to a high court judge who will have them arrested by the court bailiffs. I did some work for customs and excise and they dipped the van for red diesel. The guy was very nice about though. It was a marked police van. Maybe it was for practice. Incidently the police are given fuel free of charge direct from central government so it's impossible to evade the tax. If a employee were to nick fuel then they are technically evading tax as well as theft. It actually happened once. A police sergeant nicked 50 litres. End of pension. The problem in Bournemouth and Poole is that the law says they are only trespassing if there is no official gypsy site. Because of not in my back yard nimbys the councils can't build a site. Every time a site is found some dog walker will complain that they will have no where to walk the dog. Mind you if it was next to my house I would be complaining. Yesterday a 12 year old club member was seen driving a large van across a public open space. The opera Carmen has an aria in it. One verse starts -Love is like a gypsy child who knows no law.- The key for the music is chromatic all the black and white notes. I do a version which is like a big lovers fight. Thats another classic murdered. I feel sorry for the kids because they don't go to school and are missing out on a great deal of knowledge. However some club members live in houses and come down to Bournemouth as a long summer holiday with us the tax payer footing the bill. A pitch at a resort type camping site is 25 quid a night. Swimming poole shower toilet block free electric supermarket and a night club. On site is called Sandy Balls. Instead they camp in a grotty car park under a flyover, and defecate in the bushes and threaten passers by with vicious dogs, he's only playing soir. Da yous lake dags. Meanwhile the fecking dog is drooling slobber trying to get at one. Also they fight dogs and hare course both of which are very cruel and seriously illegal. On the good side a club member got caught in a farm barn by Farmer Palmer and got peppered with Ely trap shot. He only got shot with 1 barrel of a Purdy. In court the Judge said that you know farmers have guns and it's a hazard of breaking into farm buildings. He got 4 years I think. Farmer Palmer got commended by the Judge for his brave action against such desparate people. The Judge was giving a warning out to other desparate footpads of the caravan club. They also go into shops and steal goods. They go in en mass and steam it. Nick fuel. And about anything else that ain't nail down. I feel much better after that rant. I need a lie down, blood pressure up. |
Jan Forrest
Grand Master Username: got_one
Post Number: 832 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Thursday, 02 July, 2015 - 22:58: |    |
Some years ago I worked for a scrap merchant with contracts to haul true scrap and sub standard tool rejects from many of the tool manufacturers in the Sheffield and Rotherham area. One weekend a group of pikeys set up camp nearby. The following Monday every scrap wagon ran out of fuel on the road. Until then it was standard practice to refuel at the end of the day ready for the following working day. None of the wagons had fuel gauges. After that we were expected to run them dry and fill up each morning so that the gyppos couldn't syphon the tanks overnight. One of the office staff came out of the office at lunch time to find an 8 or 10 year old pikey actually inside his car! "You can't $&()(& touch me you £_(^ coz I'm a _&^£^% kid" he was colourfully told. |
Robert Noel Reddington
Prolific User Username: bob_uk
Post Number: 230 Registered: 5-2015
| Posted on Friday, 03 July, 2015 - 07:08: |    |
A mate with tipper stuck a girder over the tank filler cap and dropped the the body down on the girder. The fecking bad lads put a chisel through the side of the tank. There was diesel every where even in the drains. |