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David Towers
Frequent User
Username: xtriple

Post Number: 63
Registered: 6-2010
Posted on Monday, 29 August, 2016 - 10:12:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Does anyone know how to remove/replace the plastic (?) cover on the rear of the door mirrors? I very clumsily caught the drivers side mirror on the garage door which bent the mirror back and now it appears that the cover is slightly displaced. However, it feels extremely solid and very unlikely to fall off but I am fussy. These mirrors are the later type mounted in the window area itself.

Car is 66221.

Thank you all for being here to help us idiots :-)
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Brian Vogel
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Username: guyslp

Post Number: 2056
Registered: 6-2009
Posted on Tuesday, 30 August, 2016 - 03:28:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Do you have a copy of IETIS? If so, do a word search for "mirror shell." There are 7 occurrences in two documents, and either the section on door mirror glass removal or the page on the Illustrated Parts Catalog with the "exploded view" should give you the info you need.

I am not entirely clear as to what your issue actually is, but this is a starting point.

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David Towers
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Username: xtriple

Post Number: 64
Registered: 6-2010
Posted on Tuesday, 30 August, 2016 - 21:36:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thanks Brian, no, I don't have IETIS, not even sure what it is! I presume it's a RR/B technical programme. But, you have given me an idea... I shall report later :-)
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Brian Vogel
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Username: guyslp

Post Number: 2058
Registered: 6-2009
Posted on Wednesday, 31 August, 2016 - 06:55:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Please see the Idler Chatter forum where I discuss the Windows 10 Smart Screen Protection feature.

You're not the first person encountering download issues and this `protection` is set up intentionally to make it seem as though there is no way to override it. There is, but you have to have been clued in or be one of those "mad clickers" who accidentally finds it (and this group often ends in madness due to lots of things getting clicked that shouldn't be clicked and screwing things up royally).

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Geoff Wootton
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Username: dounraey

Post Number: 1385
Registered: 5-2012
Posted on Wednesday, 31 August, 2016 - 23:43:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Re: Do you have a copy of IETIS?

Where would I find a copy. I know it is obviously not applicable to my SY1 but I'd like a copy in case I buy a Spirit series car in the future.

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Larry Halpert
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Post Number: 168
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Posted on Thursday, 01 September, 2016 - 04:28:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

"Re: Do you have a copy of IETIS?

Where would I find a copy."

Here they are:

For 1990-2000

For 1998-2009

- Larry
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Geoff Wootton
Grand Master
Username: dounraey

Post Number: 1386
Registered: 5-2012
Posted on Thursday, 01 September, 2016 - 04:33:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Many thanks Larry


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