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Alan Skofic
Experienced User
Username: 120l

Post Number: 19
Registered: 11-2018
Posted on Tuesday, 19 March, 2019 - 14:00:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


I would really like a Silver Spirit or Shadow but I have an upper limit to my budget of $25000.

Am I kidding myself that I can get a really good car for that money?

PS Not in the market yet.
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Vladimir Ivanovich Kirillov
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Posted on Tuesday, 19 March, 2019 - 14:18:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

I got a reasonable Spirit for ten grand but the vendor was desperate for loot and even more eager to avoid the countless loons calling him at all hours with offers of beer money.

The OZ economy will zoo train wreck due to debt and downright idiot real estate prices which have far outstripped the average guys wage to repay.

Then as people hurl themselves off tall buildings in search of a better life nasty bargains will breed like flies on dying cattle.

Buy then.
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Brian Vogel
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Posted on Tuesday, 19 March, 2019 - 14:54:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Define "really good."

You should be able to get a very decent example of either the SY (Shadow) or SZ (Spirit/Spur) series for that amount of money. Neither will be concours level cars, though.

Also, what do you want it for? As a recreational driver or for collection/show purposes? If the former, then you should find plenty of examples that are perfectly serviceable (and try to get as much detail as you can on the service they've received, particularly in the most recent 5 years). If the latter, you'd need to spend significantly more.

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Alan Skofic
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Posted on Wednesday, 20 March, 2019 - 08:54:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Vladimir and Brian

Thanks for your response. I'm not after a concourse or show car just a nice car to drive on weekends.

Your comments are comforting as I now know I'm not being unrealistic.
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David Gore
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Posted on Wednesday, 20 March, 2019 - 13:35:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Spirits of various standards are being advertised in the RROCA publications especially the Federal Magazine "Praeclarum" and the NSW Branch magazine "L & D" as private sales on a regular basis.

If you are not already a member, joining now would give you an immediate advantage of having access to vehicles with a known history and condition rather than an unknown vehicle.

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gordon le feuvre
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Posted on Thursday, 21 March, 2019 - 22:42:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Alan, check history carefully. By that I mean not just a fat folder. Have known people buy cars on the strength of this, only to find 90% were in fact ESTIMATES and not actual work-be careful to read!!
A full function check, i.e. everything working, all windows, acu, how does it drive, noise levels no of pumps to get brake warning lights on.
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Brian Vogel
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Posted on Friday, 22 March, 2019 - 02:13:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Sort of a semi-contrarian add-on to Gordon's advice, which is good. What you really want to pay attention to is service records from the most recent 5 years or so (longer if the same custodian has had the car for longer). These are what are the most indicative of the actual care the car has been receiving. You also can't discount work that may have been done by said custodian, but if it has been they should be keeping records and, for certain things, take a look to see if what is stated matches what is physically present (e.g., changing relays, new hoses/belts, etc.)

LRK37110 had reasonably extensive service records going back to the time of her purchase in 1979, but she had been put into the garage when her previous owner became ill and sat there for over 5 years. During that time a few things were done to her by the idiot son that required undoing once I got her, but thank heaven those really were very few.

Perfect service records from 25 years ago, but nothing for the last 10, is a big red flag that you're going to have a lot of recommissioning work ahead of you.

The full function check is an excellent idea. Years ago Jon Waples, and RROC-US member, published a book entitled, The Shadow Owners' Companion. At the time of publication, an evaluation checklist he had put together was omitted from the book, but was made available for download. He's quite a bit more conservative in this evaluation than I would be about some things, but there is no doubting that it's comprehensive and a great guideline to use. See: Shadow Evaluation Form - J. Waples

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Robert J. Sprauer
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Posted on Friday, 22 March, 2019 - 03:02:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Brian, Nice evaluation form. Thanks for sharing! Anyone desiring to purchase a RR/B should definitely print and use this form.
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Mark Aldridge
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Posted on Friday, 22 March, 2019 - 03:04:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Brian, thanks for the checklist. Very useful as an aide memoire when the vendor is suffering from verbals
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Alan Skofic
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Posted on Monday, 25 March, 2019 - 12:10:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Brian and Gordon

Thanks for the advice.

Thanks for the form I'm definitely going to use it when I go looking.

One thing I've learnt is that I have to be very careful.

Thanks and Regards

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Larry Kavanagh
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Posted on Tuesday, 26 March, 2019 - 05:28:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Alan, you can have my Silver Shadow for $25,000. Only 68,00 miles and in excellent condition. It's fit for the drive from Ireland to Oz.
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Alan Skofic
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Post Number: 22
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Posted on Friday, 12 April, 2019 - 12:40:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP


Thanks for the offer but I think I might have some difficulty explaining to my wife why it will take me three months to drive my new car home.

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Nigel Coombe
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Post Number: 32
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Posted on Saturday, 27 April, 2019 - 20:29:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

My 89 Australian delivered Spirit is realistic worth $25000 and it is very nice driving perfectly very few marks and totally rust free with full service history.Not wanting to sell but sold my last 88 Spur for 25K missed it and lucky to get another but have spent $1000 on it but $540 was new tyres.Get all parts from Flying Spares who are excellent

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