TSD6124 - Dampers/Shock Absorbers 196... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Australian RR Forums » Spirit Series » TSD6124 - Dampers/Shock Absorbers 1965-1995 « Previous Next »

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Brian Vogel
Grand Master
Username: guyslp

Post Number: 2200
Registered: 6-2009
Posted on Sunday, 15 January, 2017 - 11:03:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Does anyone happen to know where this document might be on rrtechnical.info? I long ago downloaded the entirety of TSD6167, the Illustrated Spart Parts Catalog for the SZ series cars up through the end of the 20K series. When I fired up my local copy and went to the Quick Reference Guide (QRG), I noticed that the only one of the documents that is not included in the collection is the one noted in the subject.

So, I went to rrtechnical.info figuring that I'd accidentally failed to download that component somehow. Well, lo and behold!, when one navigates to the QRG through the web pages the same document is missing!

I have to believe it's out there, somewhere, but where? I have already done a Google search using the search criteria [site:rrtechnical.info TSD6124] and the only result that comes up is the reference to it in QRG.pdf.


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