Front braking system, Bentley S1 Log Out | Topics | Search
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Sarah Moore (
Posted on Tuesday, 30 July, 2002 - 03:59:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

We need to know how to bleed the front braking system after re-build
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Bill Coburn (
Posted on Sunday, 04 August, 2002 - 11:13:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Sarah it has to be done manually as the master cylinders on all post-war cars are applied by the brake servo on the side of the gearbox. An elaborate but somewhat hazardous method is to put the rear of the car on jack stands, start the engine and engage a gear. This turns the servo and application of the brake pedal will push the pistons in the master cylinder/s.

The more accepted method is to operate the 'trapeze' at the back of the master cylinder/s. This is the pair of metal arms hanging from the chassis behind the cylinders which you will notice connect to the pistons. The book gives a drawing of a tool to make up to thread through the trapeze to enable it to be pulled forward and push the pistons. I have always used a very stout reasonable length screwdriver.

While you are under there have a good look at the servo casing on the side of the gearbox. If there is the slightest trace of oil around the thing pull it off reline it, pull the drive shaft seal and servo shaft, fit a ready sleeve to the shaft to cover the groove worn in it and fit a new double lip seal in place of the old factory fitted single lip seal.

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