Author |
Message |
Udo Hoffmüller
Experienced User Username: udo
Post Number: 46 Registered: 2-2008
| Posted on Monday, 07 September, 2009 - 00:59: |    |
I wonder if it is really necessary that everytime one corrects his post a message "edited by ... at ..." appears. My english is not so very good, so I usually detect orthographical and/or grammatic errors while reading what I wrote, sometimes only at the third or fourth time. And everytime I corrected an error appears that message - and my post shows an attachment of several messages "edited by Udo ...". This is not really important, but it looks someting stupid just as if I had not known what I wanted to post. But really, nothing of big importance. Regards - Udo But |
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1931 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, 07 September, 2009 - 11:46: |    |
Udo, You may limit it to one (Message edited by Richard Treacy on 07 September 2009) statement. When you edit a second time, simply delete the message at the bottom of the text box, the text being left over from the last edit. R. (Message edited by Richard Treacy on 07 September 2009) (Message edited by Richard Treacy on 07 September 2009) (Message edited by Richard Treacy on 07 September 2009) (Message edited by Richard Treacy on 07 September 2009) |
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1932 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, 07 September, 2009 - 11:52: |    |
Then it will look like the following: |
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1933 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, 07 September, 2009 - 11:53: |    |
Udo, You may limit it to one (Message edited by Richard Treacy on 07 September 2009) statement. When you edit a second time, simply delete the message at the bottom of the text box, the text being left over from the last edit. R. (Message edited by Richard Treacy on 07 September 2009) |
Colin Silver
Frequent User Username: colsilver
Post Number: 81 Registered: 8-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, 09 September, 2009 - 06:21: |    |
Udo, why not use a word processor with dictionary and grammar checker? Then copy and paste. Set both checkers to english (Australian), simply because I hate the American bastardisation of the Queen's english Richard's suggestion is good and sneaky. But for people subscribed to receiving emails of posts on this forum will get your original and edits. |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 1203 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, 11 December, 2009 - 19:03: |    |
Other forums I have noted show the country of residence of the subscriber with each post. Could we do the same thing with this software? It is sometimes daunting to explain the working of the de-icing circuits for the rear vision mirrors only to discover the contributor and his car are in Fiji!! |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 921 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Saturday, 12 December, 2009 - 10:32: |    |
Hey Bill, This information is available thanks to the vetting of new member registrations - I am certain our Administrator will not approve membership applications which do not properly identify the individual. Just left-click on the author's name alongside the post and the member's profile should come up. This facility is available to moderators like us but may not be available to ordinary members so would appreciate someone checking this for us and advising accordingly. |
Colin Silver
Prolific User Username: colsilver
Post Number: 110 Registered: 8-2008
| Posted on Saturday, 12 December, 2009 - 18:41: |    |
David, I guess your answer supports the software designer/s want to keep a tight forum, void of 'avatars', 'signatures' and other space wasting crap seen in most forums. But Bill's point is valid and is something I wrestle with, especially when trying to learn. I've looked at DiscusWare's website and at a few of their example web forums. Not a thorough research though. It seems they don't have a country ID facility that would sit in the member's ID frame that is alongside their post. There is room for a country flag/text of the member's origin. Removing the 'Username' would ease that up I've joined the Developers' forum. When I am accepted, I'll hunt for an easy fix or add on. But I'm quite sure mods would be aware of such a facility. Of course, the purchased software we are using may have never had the facility and may require a financial expense to upgrade. I'm against any upgrading of software that works. This version works To maybe help, can a blunt heading be put on left hand side of this program - say with "this forum is Australian Based" - then on clicking members are reminded/told that unless questions/answers are noted for a particular climate/market we will presume we are talking "skippy" |
RR Forums Administrator
Board Administrator Username: admin
Post Number: 78 Registered: 10-2002
| Posted on Sunday, 13 December, 2009 - 00:16: |    |
Every single page of this site bears the words 'Australian RR Forum' somewhere. If users or visitors are unable to correctly interpret these ubiquitous clues I doubt anything more obvious will help. As a "site provided by Australian enthusiasts" it should be assumed that an Australian focus will predominate, unless specifically stated. If it is of interest to you, all registered users' profiles (accessible by clicking on their name) contain a field stating their country of origin. This information is available to any visitor to the site. This should be sufficient to satisfy Bill's or anyone's needs. Discusware is the software that runs this forum. This is as much because it was considered the best of a small selection of software available at the forum's inception (2001) as for being a commercial product with good usability and an impeccable security history. There are countless forum software alternatives available now but most seem to cater more for a juvenile Facebook and Twitter crowd than the mature individuals I know this forum attracts. Accordingly, no-one should be surprised that we eschew many of the 'features' and window-dressing considered de rigueur in other forum software. When looking at most technology I find myself asking "What would Sir Henry Royce think of this?" Though many might think this forum austere, from a functional point of view it does its job reliably and well, with little that is superfluous to its main purpose. I'd like to think Sir Henry would approve of that. |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 922 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 13 December, 2009 - 08:16: |    |
When looking at most technology I find myself asking "What would Sir Henry Royce think of this?" Though many might think this forum austere, from a functional point of view it does its job reliably and well, with little that is superfluous to its main purpose. I'd like to think Sir Henry would approve of that. No need to say any more - everything works with a minimum of fuss. |
Eugene Oleinik
Experienced User Username: eugenerus
Post Number: 44 Registered: 8-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, 10 February, 2010 - 19:14: |    |
I have some experience with using other message board platforms and have to say that this platform is not the most ergonomic or easy to use. Here are some examples: 1. The threads are never divided into pages. This is a major inconvenience when I would like to read just the latest message on a thread that has 40 replies and a dozen photographs. This not only makes it difficult to keep up with the thread but also puts more load on the server. 2. It is impossible to embed external pictures. 3. It is impossible to attach larger images than 640 by 480 which is quite small for this age. 4. It is impossible to subscribe to the thread, etc. Migrating to a new message board system is quite a task and the administrator would not like to do it in the usual circumstances but since it has been decided to move to another hosting company I thought this would be the right time to consider moving to another message board system. There are plenty of free systems out there and I believe it would be possible to move the old messages into the new database too. Just a thought. |
Clifford Donley
Experienced User Username: flatus
Post Number: 44 Registered: 12-2009
| Posted on Thursday, 11 February, 2010 - 00:49: |    |
Eugene, I've learned to cope with the latest messages behavior by going to the 'Last Day' and 'Last Week' headings within the Discussion menu on the left side of the page. If you then select the earliest of the messages that are listed, that should take you down to where you want to be. I think Admin has been very liberal in allowing us to introduce pictures directly to the forum; that's seldom allowed elsewhere. And, for those larger or more lengthy items, we can send a link. As a user, I think this is one of best experiences I've had in finding a site that does its job well. Just my thoughts, too.  |
Colin Silver
Prolific User Username: colsilver
Post Number: 120 Registered: 8-2008
| Posted on Thursday, 11 February, 2010 - 19:41: |    |
Eugene, I understand the frustration. The software is not the best in user friendly sense. But it is more secure than the many other programs around. My way around keeping in touch with new posts is to exclude the 2 cookies from from my Cookie Monster program. (Message edited by colsilver on 11 February 2010) |
Brian Vogel
Yet to post message Username: guyslp
Post Number: 1 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, 28 April, 2010 - 14:09: |    |
Hello, I am not certain that this is the correct place to post this, but it's a good starting point. First, thanks to all in the RROC-A who have made your Rolls-Royce and Bentley Technical Library the great resource that it is and for making it freely available to anyone. This is, actually, the most important part of this message as far as I am concerned. I have an ulterior motive, though, and that's reporting a problem with Chapter S for the Shadow II/T2 Workshop Manual available here and here The chapter table of contents notes sections S1 through S15. However, when I look at Part A it ends at section S4, and Part B ends at Section 8, specifically page S8-20. Did the scanning of this chapter somehow get truncated at Section 8? Thanks for taking a look at this. The Technical Library has been my "Rolls-Royce Bible" on way more than one occasion. Brian (Message edited by guyslp on 28 April 2010) |
Peter Talbot
Frequent User Username: squerryes
Post Number: 69 Registered: 7-2010
| Posted on Friday, 07 October, 2011 - 08:53: |    |
Need some hepl please - see Threads "UK Section of RROCA" and "Greetings from Westerham, Kent,UK" I'm trying to do this "by the book" and want guidance from RROCA as to how best to proceed but can't find the right contact point - please advise. Peter |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 1038 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, 07 October, 2011 - 19:19: |    |
Peter, Chris Gillings has summarised the position concisely in his post as the actual membership is based on the member selecting on of our States for registration purposes. International members of the Australian club usually select a State whose members they have met and become friends with whilst our members were attending overseas events or the internationals were guests of a local member at one of their State events or at our annual Federal Rally. I suggest your UK venture should start as a "fan club" and post your events on this forum as well as circularising your get-togethers to our State Branches for inclusion in their newsletters and to the Editor of the Federal journal "Praeclarvm" inviting our members to attend if they are in the UK at the time [not all of our members regularly visit this forum unfortunately]. This "Club" can function on an informal basis until such time as a suitable method to formalise the relationship with the Federal RROC[Australia] can be determined. Personally, I do not like the probable divisive consequences of your members having to affiliate with one of our State Branches. |
Peter Talbot
Frequent User Username: squerryes
Post Number: 73 Registered: 7-2010
| Posted on Saturday, 08 October, 2011 - 10:52: |    |
David Thanks your input - I asked for guidance and have received it from both Chris and yourself. Your suggestion that we proceed as a "fan club" makes very good sense - we shall proceed as such. Peter |
Colin Silver
Prolific User Username: colsilver
Post Number: 142 Registered: 8-2008
| Posted on Thursday, 12 July, 2012 - 21:11: |    |
I've noticed that is now owned by someone else, thus it appears this forum's version is no longer supported. I hope it lasts decades and we don't have to go the gaudy type of forum with #$%loads of signatures and avatars, let alone over quoting. Best forum I have seen is - but the programmer and owner will not sell the code or program. |
Brian Vogel
Prolific User Username: guyslp
Post Number: 240 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Thursday, 07 February, 2013 - 10:45: |    |
Test post 2 - I'll see if this can be deleted after at least 12 hours have passed |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 1206 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 07 February, 2013 - 11:29: |    |
Hi Brian, Obviously test post #1 worked. Waiting and watching test post #2. For those that are wondering what is going on, Brian is running a number of tests to determine forum restrictions on members editing and deleting their posts after posting. |
Brian Vogel
Prolific User Username: guyslp
Post Number: 241 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Friday, 08 February, 2013 - 04:56: |    |
David, Test #1 definitely worked since I deleted the post mere minutes after posting it. Test #2 gave the same error message when I attempted to edit it about 2 hours after posting and just now when I tried to delete it, the (in)famous, "You're past the 30 minute limit," message. For myself, if the parameters for either one of these values is "tweakable" I'd like to see them bumped up. I've often wanted to add an addendum to an existing message, or correct an error in an existing message, more than 30 minutes after posting it rather than post a follow-up. Elsewhere I can edit posts pretty much "in perpetuity." Brian |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 1207 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, 08 February, 2013 - 07:31: |    |
Brian, this thread is not configured the same as normal forum threads as I have just found I am not able to edit/delete my own posts let alone other posts so this test may have been doomed from the start. As for your last paragraph, this will be a matter for our administrator however I can make these changes for you on request as you would know from a recent amendment however a time delay is involved. |
Brian Vogel
Grand Master Username: guyslp
Post Number: 471 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Monday, 24 June, 2013 - 09:39: |    |
Perhaps the size of photos can be increased to be larger than 640x480 pixels. There are very, very few digital cameras these days that shoot in this resolution. I use my ancient Casio QV4000 since it does and saves me the need to resize images. It would also be helpful to allow portrait orientation (480x640) as well as landscape (640x480) [or, God willing, the equivalent at higher resolution]. I just made an attempt at posting a portrait orientation photo of 480x640 pixels. The error message I got back is:
Brian |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 1310 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, 24 June, 2013 - 17:24: |    |
Hi Brian, The following is a test post of a 480 x 621 pixel image reduced in size from a larger image using Photoshop CS2.
The problem appears to be at your end - possibly a glitch in whatever image processing software you are using or incorrect use of the Backslashimage{Image} command. I never get a preview screen when posting an image; it just appears in the thread after the uploading finishes. [Admin's note: this image was posted after the image size was adjusted so the problem was at this end. See the following post.] |
RR Forums Administrator
Board Administrator Username: admin
Post Number: 88 Registered: 10-2002
| Posted on Monday, 24 June, 2013 - 18:02: |    |
Occasional review of forum settings is a good thing so your suggestions are always welcome. I've adjusted the image limits to 640x640 so that portrait images can be as large as landscape images. The primary reason for the size limitation is to minimise the amount of side-scrolling users have to do when someone posts a large image anywhere in a thread. |
Brian Vogel
Grand Master Username: guyslp
Post Number: 476 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Tuesday, 25 June, 2013 - 01:29: |    |
Administrator (sorry I don't have a name), First, thanks so much for doing this. It will eliminate a great deal of annoyance when an image has been shot in portrait orientation, even if one needs to resize. Since this is now current, could 800x800 be considered? I'm using a laptop with a fairly small screen but even if one limits the number of pixels to the area where posted content can be seen I have a horizontal space of 943 pixels and a vertical space of 727. I really hate side scrolling, and appreciate the effort to eliminate it. Vertical scrolling is much less annoying. Brian |
Geoff Wootton
Grand Master Username: dounraey
Post Number: 417 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Saturday, 31 May, 2014 - 01:19: |    |
Would it be possible to change the default parameters displayed in the "search" screen from "or" and "Parts of Words" to "and" and "Whole Words Only". Taking a simple example, "O ring" produces 2996 results of mainly unwanted matches when using the default search options, as opposed to 95 much more accurate responses when using "and" and "Whole Words Only". I am sure most experienced users automatically change the search parameters before hitting the "perform search" button. It would be nice if we could enter searches with the parameters already set to values which most people use and which produce the most accurate results. Geoff |
Brian Vogel
Grand Master Username: guyslp
Post Number: 853 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Saturday, 31 May, 2014 - 01:55: |    |
I'll also "second" Geoff's request. Brian |
Bob Reynolds
Prolific User Username: bobreynolds
Post Number: 155 Registered: 8-2012
| Posted on Wednesday, 10 September, 2014 - 20:07: |    |
Could we have a quote facility on this board please? This is the only board I know of that doesn't have a facility to automatically quote from a previous post. This is not only inconvenient, but can be confusng as well, as people often quote from another post and it's not always obvious that it's a quote from somebody else's post! |
Brian Vogel
Grand Master Username: guyslp
Post Number: 1035 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, 10 September, 2014 - 23:15: |    |
I'm seconding Mr. Reynolds' request. |
RR Forums Administrator
Board Administrator Username: admin
Post Number: 89 Registered: 10-2002
| Posted on Wednesday, 10 September, 2014 - 23:34: |    |
The forum software is hopelessly out of date and no longer supported by its developers or anyone else. It is effectively obsolete and it's not feasible to alter or update it in any way. The only way to improve the forum is to move to a completely new one. I've been idly looking at alternatives for a while now but haven't yet found any that I think are suitable replacements. I am willing to open this up to discussion so keep watch for a new thread on the subject in the near future. The Suggestion Box is not an appropriate place to discuss this. |
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 3063 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 11 September, 2014 - 00:07: |    |
? It exists.
quote:Could we have a quote facility on this board please? This is the only board I know of that doesn't have a facility to automatically quote from a previous post. This is not only inconvenient, but can be confusng as well, as people often quote from another post and it's not always obvious that it's a quote from somebody else's post!
Brian Vogel
Grand Master Username: guyslp
Post Number: 1037 Registered: 6-2009
| Posted on Thursday, 11 September, 2014 - 00:10: |    |
Seriously, where should we watch? Would this be posted in the "General" area or RROC-A members only area? While the function exists, it's far from automatic. Brian, who completely gets that discussion regarding a full transition to new software is not best done here |
Carl Jensen
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Monday, 24 May, 2004 - 19:51: |    |
Hi, Thanks for providing such a helpful forum. It has been an invaluable tool for maintaining and repairing my 1975 Shadow. I often check for the latest posts, but it is hard since the posts are not arranged in chronological order. There may be a post from 2001 next to one from 2004. Would it be possible to have posts arranged in more of a chronological order? Thanks, Carl Jensen |
RROCA Web Site Administrator Moderator Username: admin
Post Number: 15 Registered: 10-2002
| Posted on Tuesday, 25 May, 2004 - 00:57: |    |
I'm not sure what you mean, Carl, as posts within a thread are ordered by date. May I suggest you use the "Search" option to view recent messages? If you are a registered user of the forum there is an option to show you the messages that have arrived since you last checked. If you're not registered fear not, there are other options that should solve your problem. |
David Gore Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 254 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, 25 May, 2004 - 15:02: |    |
Thanks for advice - even yours truly wasn't aware of this capability for use when I haven't had access for a day or two - using the "last week" button brings up too many posts for easy browsing!!! Have now tried it and I am rapt!! |
Bill Coburn Grand Master Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 174 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Sunday, 13 June, 2004 - 10:51: |    |
I found this criticism on the Swammelstein site from the frequent contributor 'Harry'. It was a pity that he didn't put the criticism on this site for the attention or otherwise of the monitors but if he couldn't get on ???? Anyway someone might like to sort out the problem if there is one. I think I engendered the exchange since I have been curious to know why more people don't use our site but seem to labour on with the Dutch one. This freezes for days has tedious and gross duplication of postings is not easy to read but the people and contents are just great. The site manager Kees does this as a labour of love and one always feels churlish complaining but ....... While having comparisons the US site is the other extreme with every posting vetted before it appears. If the monitors are busy you may not get a showing for some days. Spam etc aside the idea that every utterance needs to be vetted chokes me somewhat! From: Harry Date: 09 Jun 2004 Time: 00:46:01 Remote Name: Comments It's me here again, ...and to answer the question above, this is! I have take my hat off for Kees for what he's doing. There's been some debate of the format of this site, and I'm definately one of those voting for FREE ACCESS!!!! Why? As much informative as the RROC(A) site is, it is NOT WORKING AS IT SHOULD...??? Or is it??? I'd would have liked to contributed many times to the site earlier, but been always too lazy to get (one more set of those) username & password to get access (and to remember; already have 2 dosens of them to keep normal life rolling so any more is too much in my opinion). But finally I did get them, anyway, as there seems to be so much good discussion going on. Well, today I'd like have put in a question relating my dizzy prob, and dug out those username & password to get access... BUT: Upon submitting the posting, after all should have been ok, I got a message saying that I also needed an "activation key" to enable the posting onto the tech page since my e-mail ADDRESS HAD BEEN CHANGED!!! My e-mail address has NOT been changed! The site allowed me, however, to order a new "activation key" to my "new" e-mail address; which, as said, was the very same as it has always been for the last four or so years!!! Well, I acted accordingly, trying to get this "new key", and got a message saying that it had sent to my e-mail address. It has been 20 mins now, I've checked my mail three times, but the "activation key" has still not arrived!!! Needless to say, we don't need all this hassle, or do we? This is one of the very reasons that "limited access sites" are not too popular in relation to those "unlimited". I must say I was most annoyed - even more because all this happens AFTER one has typed (poss lenghty) his/hers bit to submit, only to discover that it will not pass thru... I know as a fact that there are truly wonderfull people behind the RROC(A) site. They are doing a fine "job" running the site. However, user-wise things could be better. Being the kind of person that does NOT GIVE UP TOO EASILY, I'm determined to wait until this new "activation key" comes thru and try again. I'm sure it will, finally. It's 3.42 am at the moment. Just my pennies' worth. Harry Last changed: June 09, 2004 |
RROCA Web Site Administrator Moderator Username: admin
Post Number: 21 Registered: 10-2002
| Posted on Friday, 16 July, 2004 - 16:47: |    |
I'm afraid I'm unable to understand the exact nature of Harry's problem, as he doesn't give specific details about the exact messages and errors he's getting, nor the times when the problems occurred. Simply saying "It's not working" is interesting but not very useful. To my knowledge there are no problems at all with user self-registration, e-mail notification or access authentication on this forum. Harry has, in fact posted to the forum successfully six times. His last successful access (using his username and password) was on 25th June - two weeks after he posted this complaint, so I guess there's not a problem after all. I can spend very little, if any, time investigating perceived problems with our site when the complaints are posted somewhere entirely unrelated to it. It's a simple matter to send an e-mail to the administrator when problems arise, and complaining elsewhere will achieve nothing. |
Harry Kuurio
Experienced User Username: harry_kuurio
Post Number: 11 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Thursday, 03 March, 2005 - 11:54: |    |
Hi, It seems that things are better nowadays in user-wise. I guess it was just bad luck, which I always seem encounter, what ever the matter. BUT: a suggestion - maybe the site could be devided from the startpage for "visitors" and "contributors" - hence one "just signed" in in the first instance if willing to contribute? In my opinion, this would clear things up notably. On a further note, it seems that all is not well with the net - a once brilliant RR site "Swammelstein" has turned into a battlefield of egos. What a pity. I truly hope that these (grown up)? men can sort it out - what ever it is! DH |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 402 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Saturday, 05 March, 2005 - 08:53: |    |
Hi Harry and welcome back, Being a forum moderator is worse than having two teen-age daughters to contend with . That is why I have grey hair and a permanently frazzled appearance! Our site also has not been immune from the Swammelstein problems and in fact the intimidation/bullying involved behind the scenes makes it very easy to walk away, forget trying to provide a service to others and resume a less stressful life. Of course this point is completely lost on the belligerents who are only interested in their own ego and dominance. |
Gordon Norris
Prolific User Username: crewes_missile
Post Number: 121 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Thursday, 31 March, 2005 - 22:09: |    |
Hi David, I was wondering if it might be time to add a dedicated category under the Technical Section for "Seraph/Arnage & later" rather than have "Spirit, Spur and later". These later cars are now getting to be 7 or 8 years old and quite a few are now falling out of the hands of their original 1st, 2nd, and even 3rd owners, into the hands of enthusiasts, especially in the US where prices are so low. I think this may attract some more overseas technical expertise and contributions that may well benefit all categories of cars. It is well recognised that RR/B owner's often own more than one RR/B car (confirming we are all mad!) of varying vintages. I was SPURred (corny I know) to suggest this after chatting to a chap I bought some bits off in the US, who mentioned he often visited our site for info on his Bentley R type, but referred to US sites for help with his newly aquired Arnage, which he bought after selling an '89 Spirit he had owned and worked on for 7 years. Just a thought. GN. PS:don't think we'll see any NEW BMW Phantoms in the hands of enthusiasts for a while though... |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 428 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, 01 April, 2005 - 10:50: |    |
Hi Gordon, Excellent idea; your wish is my command and is now implemented. |
Harry Kuurio
Experienced User Username: harry_kuurio
Post Number: 30 Registered: 4-2004
| Posted on Friday, 01 April, 2005 - 11:05: |    |
GN, Originating from the highest vehicle-taxation country in the whole EU, I may confirm your thoghts: a new BMW Phantom costs something like 630.000 euros (currently approx. 830.000 US dollars) here in Finland OFF VEHICLE TAXES - which is in the region of PLUS 70 %. Truly. As an universal comparison, my US spec SSII is worth of TWO NEW FORD MUSTANGS here. So, not too many enthusiasts in this corner of EU with new Phantoms. Oh sorry, my suggestion: Logging in first, if one wants to contribute. Possible? Why? Once you're "in", you automatically can contribute. If you're not wanting to, you can just browse. Isn't this the way most on-line services operate, or am I just beeing stupid? DH |
Robert Wort
Grand Master Username: robert_wort
Post Number: 176 Registered: 12-2004
| Posted on Friday, 01 April, 2005 - 11:24: |    |
Kudos to Gordon for the suggestion and David for implementing it. I had a quick look at the new column and It has been done in such a way as to include the latest Phantom too.. This is good. As there have been a few deliveries made now I am sure that at least one owner may be interested in this forum. If there is anyone out there that has one and is reading this, PLEASE contribute. I would be very interested (as I am sure others would be), to read your experiences of ownership of this new addition. I see that a long wheelbase version is now about to be released. I wonder if someone will order occassional seats in them as per previous Phantoms. I wonder where the new laws stand on this? |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 429 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Friday, 01 April, 2005 - 12:16: |    |
Hi Harry, Thanks for your comments and we will look at your idea in more detail subject to our over-riding consideration of avoiding forum pests and minimising attempts to hack into our site. The current system works extremely well in minimising these problems and I far prefer the extra time and effort needed to moderate posts from guests to the alternative of a forum that is almost impossible to use because of "garbage" from pests and the loss of interest by our contributors as a consequence - just look at what happened to the Swammelstein forum especially the dramatic reduction in posts from the regular advice providors. |
Ralph c Brooks
Unregistered guest Posted From:
| Posted on Tuesday, 21 June, 2005 - 11:43: |    |
I am a supposedly a registered user, but never received my activation code. Attempted messages t "administrator" are rejected and request for a new activation code/password also do not work. Help Ralph Brooks,
(Message approved by admin) |
RR Forums Administrator
Board Administrator Username: admin
Post Number: 41 Registered: 10-2002
| Posted on Tuesday, 21 June, 2005 - 21:40: |    |
Ralph is not a registered member. His application has not yet progressed because Verizon is rejecting our attempts to email the registration confirmation to him. It's been trying all day without success and if we cannot confirm the email address given as valid we cannot approve the application. We have no record of any attempts by <> to send us email from a legitimate mail server at Verizon during June. Today at least one message from a Verizon computer arrived but was rejected because it came directly from a dialup or broadband-connected computer. Mail from such machines is invariably spam (or something worse) so we no longer bother to check if it's legitimate; all dialup and broadband pools are blocked by our server from directly connecting for the purpose of delivering email. You must use your ISP's designated SMTP relay (mail hub) to send us email. Contact your ISP if you are unsure how to do this. (Message edited by admin on June 21, 2005) |
RR Forums Administrator
Board Administrator Username: admin
Post Number: 42 Registered: 10-2002
| Posted on Tuesday, 21 June, 2005 - 22:21: |    |
Aha! Upon further investigation I find that Ralph registered with a different email address from the one he's now using. The activation code was sent to that previous address successfully on Oct 28 2004 at 14:32:44, but was obviously never acted upon. Ralph needs to provide a working email address for this situation to be resolved. |
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 483 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Monday, 11 July, 2005 - 19:52: |    |
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Due to my absence for the last 4 days; a number of queued posts have just been released. These will not appear if you use the "Last Day"/"Today's Messages" button - to view these messages; please use the "Last Week"/"This Week's Messages" button and the unread posts will appear in BLUE. |
John Budden
New User Username: johnb
Post Number: 5 Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, 25 October, 2006 - 22:11: |    |
Bill and all, I know I am going to regret this but... I have a few suggestions. 1. I have been through the "library" and compared with mine and find that a. I have an earlier version of the Dawn Parts manual A-E as I indicated before b I have copy of the 1957 Automatic gearbox manual TSD 471 c. I have a copy (photo) of the Wraith Workshop manual (undated but the compression was 6.4 so it was probably early fifties). d. I have an original of Vol III of the Wraith Parts (from P to X) e. I have an original of the Cloud Owners manual and while I am sure many others do, I do also not see a soft copy yet? I am arranging a professional copy of the wiring diagram (A3) which I will share. 2. I have a copy of Glenns Foreign Car manual (foreign to US) dated 1966 which has excellent sections on Lucas and SU with some good tables and service data 3. I have a copy of the first seven years of the MotorTraders Annual (1950s-1960s) and while it too does not mention RR/B it has a lot of good stuff on British contemporary designs including some makes I had not even heard of) 4. I have a soft copy of the Lucas combined catalogue from 1945 to 1960 and it would bear going through and extracting substitute parts What are your priorities and what are your policies on non RR/B material- I have no idea about copywrite on 50 year old publications or parts thereof??? I have originals of Cloud promotion material and Radford and Wefco etc, road tests and memorabilia- I will post a list someday.
Richard Treacy
Grand Master Username: richard_treacy
Post Number: 1120 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Thursday, 26 October, 2006 - 02:59: |    |
Dear John, and to all contributors alike, May I put in my two bob's worth here. We started weeks ago from a zero base, and to me the first priority is to break the back of the volume of documents we are webbing with copyright permission from Crewe. There may be missing and damaged pages as is inevitable with documents 50 years ol as expected. They will be corrected as soon as we can. John Richardson is presently working hard on R-Type and early Silver Dawn spares schedules alike: they are in fact complete, with most already hogging my DVD and hard disc drives as work in progress nears completion and release on the RROC(A) site. To avoid double efforts, let's get them online, then assess whether we can replace any of our manuals with efficient ones of better quality, whilst continuing the work on releasing totally new/old material as a priority. I hope to call you very soon in Fiji to exchange ideas. Already we have a Technical Library in need of further organising as the quantity and depth of material must surely be far ahead of that of any other marque or club in only weeks since the momentum has created it. Bill and the team are working very hard, using the tools presently available. RT. |
Robert Wort
Grand Master Username: robert_wort
Post Number: 342 Registered: 12-2004
| Posted on Thursday, 26 October, 2006 - 16:39: |    |
Pedants corner here John. I noticed you referred to the Wraith manuals as possibly being 1955. The Wraith is a pre-war car and the 'Silver Wraith' was built post-war(tut-tut ). Nevertheless, you have some really interesting material there. If you have no objections, may I contact you in regards to some of these please?
David Gore
Moderator Username: david_gore
Post Number: 667 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, 31 October, 2006 - 11:48: |    |
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Due to my absence for the last 5 days; a number of queued posts have just been released. These will not appear if you use the "Last Day"/"Today's Messages" button - to view these messages; please use the "Last Week"/"This Week's Messages" button and the unread posts will appear in BLUE. |
Bill Coburn
Moderator Username: bill_coburn
Post Number: 938 Registered: 4-2003
| Posted on Saturday, 01 December, 2007 - 09:14: |    |
Readers hopefully will be pleased to read that 'The Technical Library' has once again risen from the ashes. There has been no angst just a lot of hard work. I started this when the now Victoria Branch President casually sent me a CD with a couple of small Factory Manuals scanned onto them. One of them ranks in rarity with the handbook for the Legalimit so somewhat capriciously I plonked it into this Forum which I had access to thanks to the good graces and patience of the Administrator! Cor mate - phone calls emails etc 'been looking for that for yonks, Fred Blogs has one but he won't let me see it' Well the Fred Blogs of this world are in for an awful suprise since whatever we can get our hands on we will, if it is of interest, scan it and plonk it in the library. I think the correct word is access it! We do not want accounts of how the hand embroidered silk taffeta cushion cover smoothed the sensual lower surfaces of your thighs as the car glided effortlessly over the mountainous terrane the suspension effortlessly smoothing out any common undulations of the road surface so as not to disturb even one bubble of the cooled Bollinger sitting securely on the veneered picnic tables that beautifully braced themselves into the back of the superb Connolly leather seats (stops for breath). Got the picture? Lastly, reading this drivel back to myself I realise that there is an impression of this being done by yours truly. Certainly not. At the moment there are at least four scanners and editors and inserters and cheer leaders such as me. With the exception of the latter they are all back room boys who often point out that one egotist in the group is quite enough. Exposure in time I suspect will overcome this anonymity! Contrary to your demands and expectations, the entire collection will take more than 24 hours to install. Any complaints of tardiness on our part will be met with unimaginable reprisals. Thanks for your support. |