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michael vass
Frequent User
Username: mikebentleyturbo2

Post Number: 643
Registered: 07-2015
Posted on Sunday, 03 May, 2020 - 06:25:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Dear clever people
On page 143 of tsd 4737 it shows the knock sensors connected to the k motronic ECU, on page 196 of tsd 4737 it shows the knock sensors connected to the boost ECU.
My car is '89 turbo R KCH27650.
Any guidance would be appreciated!
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Larry Kavanagh
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Username: shadow_11

Post Number: 622
Registered: 05-2016
Posted on Sunday, 03 May, 2020 - 07:18:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Michael, I'm not familiar with your model but when I looked up your VIN on the Bentley Heritage site it shows the knock sensor wiring goes to the boost ECU somewhere inside the front left wing behind the headlamp.
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michael vass
Frequent User
Username: mikebentleyturbo2

Post Number: 644
Registered: 07-2015
Posted on Sunday, 03 May, 2020 - 07:44:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Thanks Larry , I looked on there and it sent me to tsd 4737 ,what document did you find it on? Many thanks Mike
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Larry Kavanagh
Frequent User
Username: shadow_11

Post Number: 623
Registered: 05-2016
Posted on Sunday, 03 May, 2020 - 08:04:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Mike, I looked it up on and went to their parts catalogue, entered your VIN & looked under engine electrical where I found a diagram of the knock sensor location and associated parts.

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