New CS 130 Alternator Installed BUT? Log Out | Topics | Search
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Cliff Biggs
Experienced User
Username: cliffy

Post Number: 145
Registered: 09-2021
Posted on Sunday, 07 July, 2024 - 11:46:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

OK Got the new CS 130 installed. Its a straight drop in fit IF you make the top mount 1" thick instead of the 2" it comes with. Bolt spacing works perfect using all the Rolls parts. Did keep the CS 130 lower bolt system - it uses a threaded bolt that screws into the lower mount without the normal pass through bolt and nut assembly that Rolls used. The normal fan belt fits perfect.

A new outlet plug was installed with just one wire coming out for the Gen Light on the panel--- there in lies the only issue with this install.
The Gen Light glows very dimly when the engine is running. It works just as it should when the engine is started - a bright light until the alternator is spinning but then instead of extinguishing it lowers to a dim glow. So obviously there is a drain of electricity somewhere keeping a flow through the light bulb.

We checked it at the Alt shop with his test rig installed and it turns his light off as it is supposed to do so the alternator is functioning as it should - 14.3 volts unloaded when running and good amps into the battery/load with a clamp meter so there is a wiring issue in the car somewhere yet to be determined.

I suspect it is the coil of the Starter Interrupt Relay (that keeps the starter from engaging when the alternator is running). It comes off one side of the Alt light wiring and drains to ground when the alternator is running keeping the relay points open so the starter won't engage. This may be the light electrical drain I am seeing. I have a jumper made up to bypass the coil (jumping the relay points) that I am going to try. That way the relay is taken out of the circuit but no prevention from engaging the starter when the engine is running

Both the shop an me are working on it but the alternator works great and in an easy readily
available option for the SZ Rolls IMO
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David Gore
Username: david_gore

Post Number: 4275
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Sunday, 07 July, 2024 - 13:16:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Cliff kindly forwarded me the alternator photos below to post on his behalf:



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Cliff Biggs
Experienced User
Username: cliffy

Post Number: 153
Registered: 09-2021
Posted on Friday, 13 September, 2024 - 09:37:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Got this issue resolved!
As I thought it turned out to be the Starter Interrupt Relay
The coil had shorted completely showing a ground for the alternator inop light to illuminate
Jumped the main relay points and now the alternator works as designed.
Knowing that I have no starter protection with the engine running is something I can live with.
Evidently this alternator (being different than the French Motorola as it has no diode bride) is sensitive to the drain from the interrupt relay coil and leaves the light to glow faintly even when a good relay is in the holder.
And it is in such a tight place to get to (behind the key switch/speedo area) that I just jumped it out of the system.
The CI 130 alternator though is a good alternative if needed (and at 115 amps rating)

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