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Jason Watson
Experienced User
Username: crikeydawn

Post Number: 92
Registered: 07-2023
Posted on Thursday, 02 November, 2023 - 05:18:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Got a set of these on B269EK,

mine are not as bad as these for $340AU on ebay. However it would be nice to have them as new as $1000AU will see them from various specialist suppliers.

I'm wondering in this day and age if anyone has used 3d printing to make indicators? And if so who?

I see one of the suppliers advertising 3d printed aluminium thermostat housings recently. So reckon almost anything is possible.

From my little knowledge you get amazing results for little money, having seen OE matching plastic dash board planks or cut outs made for 4x4s.

Anyone got any experience

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