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Graham Hutton
Experienced User
Username: gph

Post Number: 78
Registered: 01-2019
Posted on Tuesday, 28 April, 2020 - 14:30:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

living in Qld, and not always driving in the rain it will come as no surprise that the windscreen wipers don't get a big workout very often. that has all changed in recent times as I am using the car as a daily driver for reasons I won't go into today.
I found my wipers once started wouldn't stop when switched off. the only remedy was to pull over, stop the d=engine and then re start, a real pain as you might well imagine. however after being out in the rain a bit today I found that all of a sudden the wipers did stop, albeit after around 40 -45 seconds after i switched them off, then after a while i have found them behaving again. has anyone else had a similar experience or know what is happening?}
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michael vass
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Username: mikebentleyturbo2

Post Number: 640
Registered: 07-2015
Posted on Tuesday, 28 April, 2020 - 18:21:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Hi Graham, sounds link a parking switch problem to me.
WD 40 the micro switch OK
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Mark Herbstreit
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Registered: 05-2005
Posted on Tuesday, 28 April, 2020 - 22:07:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

On the firewall behind fuel injection. Switch may need adjusting. It needs to click with every wipe.

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Graham Hutton
Experienced User
Username: gph

Post Number: 79
Registered: 01-2019
Posted on Monday, 18 May, 2020 - 14:55:   Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

thanks for the assistance, i will have a look at those solutions

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